Luke Akehurst: Yet More Sectarian Bile
Our Hackneyed bullwhip Luke Akehurst spilled some vile bile here. Sectarian in a truly side splitting way. Jeering at well intentioned and hard working people in many reaches of the Labour Party that are beyond this LA's limited wit and wisdom - who deliver leaflets, staff 'phone banks and campaign endlessly too - rather than building unity seems at times to be the watchword of Luke's careerist tossery.
If Luke comes knocking on your constituency door seeking candidacy do consider that if he evers gets into the Commons he will be lining up to join other careerist tossers who so shamefully ganged up on our great leader just ahead of conference. You would not catch the Labour left in such petulant outbursts.
Luke's Hackney comrade Nargis Khan has come knocking in respect of Manchester Withington and if she wants my support she'll have to provide with some tasty and bloggable Luke Akehurst anecdotes.
My reply to Luke is repeated here with a few links added to it:
The danger is of course that pandering to certain voters - which expert psepholgists like our hero Luke have identified before ... you know white van man, semi-skilled man, skilled-artisan-man, Daily Mail mum etc etc - well that this can seriously piss off core voters who find that their tribal loyalty to Labour is stretched and broken.
Whether this is the urban intelligensia derided by Blair in Manchester Withington who stuck in a serial fibber instead of a loyalist ex-whiphand, the BEM communities of Bethnal Green and Bow who stuck in a trotty stalinist communalist indisciplined gobshite instead of a Blair ultra, or exactly this target group who are falling for the BNP's charms (including ex-LP member Richard Barnbrook) in the adorable Margaret Hodge and the acceptable Jon Cruddas' backyards.
Sometimes it does feel that all this triangulation is actually a guerilla war against our own supporters. That apart from shards of good (OL) stuff like the minimum wage New Labour is involved in fierce hand to hand fighting. Clearing this street of public sector workers, the next of BEM communities who have supported Labour for generations, and yes OK this one of the urban intelligensia.
We're driving socialist-orientated people to vote Lib Dem for goodness sake, joining the anyone-but-Labour Tory tacticals.
The great danger is of catastrophic collapse in some of our "safe" seats as the party continues to be hollowed out, as we lose councillors who are important activists and funders of local activity, and the 'sleeper' part of the membership too.
Anyway, last point. Luke's persistent jeering at any part of this party that disagrees with him, ever gets something wrong, is focussed on a single issue - in this case LP democracy (not PR) is wearing and ridiculously sectarian. Get off your high horse young man. Relax a little. 'Smile knowingly' and work together to beat Tories and Fibbers instead of 'Bile flowingly' with the aim presumably of purifying the party into one in your own likeness.Picture above shows Hackney residents calling for Luke Akehurst and others to resign over sectarianism and cuts in services. Battling bullwhip Luke (right) designed these with his mates following careful socio-economic analysis, to win votes from white van man, or men in white coats. Something like that anyway.
UPDATE: Luke has now replied to my comment with some self-righteousness and further sectarian pomposity. Check out the debate here.
MORE UPDATE: Luke tells me that the photo must be at least five years old as Hackney Labour have seen growth budgets ever since and he's right so I'm happy to add this footnote. I looked for a replacement photo of Luke out campaigning, attending a pro war demo, or such like but could find nothing so I'm leaving it.
How about a post on the runners and riders in withington. I'm sure it would benefit from your inimitable style.
Don't do requests! Are you meaning the Lib Dems when they ditch Leech? Or the Tories who are set to replace K Bradley - selected in Staffs thanks to collapsing the blue vote - with either a J Leech or Same-name-as-our-woman candidate? Ahaaa - you're meaning ours? Will we select the anti-war, anti-cuts candidate that the urban intelligensia of Manchester Withington are crying out for? If you get up that Labour-of-Love link I'll consider your request ... just this once. Has Rupa thrown her hat into the ring btw?
Your picture of a demo must be an old one. There have been growth budgets (i.e. service increases not cuts) every year in Hackney for the last five years.
You're quite right Luke so I have added another footnote:
MORE UPDATE: Luke tells me that the photo must be at least five years old as Hackney Labour have seen growth budgets ever since and he's right so I'm happy to add this footnote. I looked for a replacement photo of Luke out campaigning, attending a pro war demo, or such like but could find nothing so I'm leaving it.
I hear there is a very unlikely candidate going for Withington perhaps Chris?!!!
Really? "Very unlikely"? Surely there will be a few of those - as in the South Manchester Distorter's round up of the runners and riders. Whoever can you mean? You're not giving it a whirl this time are you Adders? I'll be 100% behind whichever candidate(s) give me the most 100% bloggable dirt on the great clunking brain - Luke Akehurst.
As for me going out campaigning... on the streets... amongst the peasantry... look here.
I don't mind you having a go at me, but you should have the decency to leave Miss Hackney Booty 2003 out of your vitriol.
She's a fine chap, as I reported here.
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