Monday, January 08, 2007

Meaningless Polls: A Corker from UKIP

Had to tell one or two porkies here to avoid being mis-categorised in this nonsensical quiz from a born again Christian, UKIP-er, chessman and lifelong Sheffield Resident Jonathan with an "eh?'. There was a thing from They Work For You in 2005 as I recall which tended nonsensically to recommend a Lib Dem (aka Yellow tory) vote for Labour lefties in 2005.

Go on, give it a try! And don't fib too much will you? The boy has a Masters in Maths but to be honest he would fail 11-plus honest pollstering.


Jeremy Jacobs said...

The future's bright. It's purple.

Chris Paul said...

Welcome Jeremy. I'm not so sure purple counts as bright? Or that these purple people I'm watching count as bright either? At least you're not saying orange! More purple and blue (but not too much) in Manchester would be a blessing. Those fibbers would dissolve.

Anonymous said...

I was a left wing Marxist who should support the green party.