Saturday, February 10, 2007

Liverpool Dérive: A City Adrift

Collecting a passport for a daughter planning a trip to Auschwitz found me dérive in Liverpool for most of Friday. The drive across has been a fairly regular trip down the years. For regional meetings. Consulting on broadband and distributed workspaces for the Ropeworks developments. Concerts. Galleries. Fundraising for Liverpool companies. Even a Black Power meeting.

Hopefully Edge Lane and the approach from the East is going to get a whole lot better when the ongoing and belated improvements are done (Thank Eu! as some of the chinese posters say). But it has to be said that as Graham Stringer pointed out at the GMPTE fringe meeting at Labour's Manchester Conference even with a crappy gateway route and roadworks the congestion is minimal.

Sadly Liverpool just doesn't have the gravity of Manchester. The city is really crying out for Liverpool Labour to seize back control and get things moving again. The Lib Dems have been scandal-riven wasters and drifters for years.

Past the Hotel where we had our regional conference in 2006 - with Hazel Blears, Peter Hain, Hilary Benn, Ian McCartney and Phil Woolas among those strutting their stuff. Though Kensington, the district whose regeneration needs were put on hold for years by the drifting Lib Dem regime ...

IMAGES: From what Liverpool are calling their 'Big Dig' at Edge Lane. Looking back on how we used to live?


Bernard said...

Chris, don't be too quick to praise the demolition of Edge Hill homes in Liverpool to make way for a motorway. The Lib Dem Council added hundreds of Edge Hill homes to the CPO and demolition programme which are not in the way of the road extension

The Labour MP for Liverpool Wavertree, Jane Kennedy has described it as municipal vandalism, social cleansing and a gross waste of public funds.

Liverpool Labour party says on its website:

"The Lib Dems have long claimed to be on the side of the community but it seems that they are more on the side of big business and the road lobby in Liverpool. Kensington people, it seems, and their long standing communities are morely in the way of the Lib Dems' plans to change the city from one that was for the people to one that sees the people as being in the way"


Chris Paul said...

Hello Bernard

I don't think I've praised any demolitions have I?

I'm not aware of the detail of what's going on, and am writing as an occasional dérive commuter betwen M1 and L1.

The idea of adding-to-CPO and demolishing lots of homes unnecessarily is not something I was either aware of or would approve of.

Quite typically for the Lib Dems it flies in the face of their public pronouncements and even crux campaign issues in other cities.

The old road could easily cope with the traffic. As nobody much wanted to drive to Liverpool or vice versa. Unless we had to.

It is of course interesting how equal and opposite much of the discourse is when comparing parties in power and oppositions when the tables are turned. The Liverpool-Labour site is rollicking good campaigning but what is their offering? The time is ripe to drive the Lib Dems charlatans out of Liverpool. they have just cancelled "The Pops" very unexpectedly. Theye are wreckers.

Best wishes

Chris P