Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Shameless, Shameless, Shameless: Chatsworth Estate and Chorlton Park

Shameless! Above, Cllr John "Two Jobs" Leech MP, "Tone" Bethell, and "Norm" Lewis.

Supposedly the above are the councillors for Chorlton Park, which has been a ridiculous reign, blighted by talking the place down and doing absolutely nothing. Based on some very Shameless principles. This TV Drama for the so-called "Chatsworth Estate", could surely be based on "Chorlton Park" if these guys don't get their finger out?

The Chatsworth has rape, date rape, sleep rape, on-the-sick, assault, ABH, GBH, murder, petty crime, major crime, extortion, sex addicts, drunks, druggies, serious druggies, little orgies, bi-sex, het-sex, homo-sex, bestial-sex, all-the-above-sex, gangs and gangsters.

The Chorlton Park estates meanwhile have only "most of the above". 95% of the people on these estates are honest, hard-working and hoping that another world is possible. Unfortunately some of their representatives appear more in tune with the other 5%.