Tories Stoned Again: Fuddled and Erratic Thinking Behind the Bike Sheds of Eton, Harrow etc
Under a headline containing the clause "Stoned Again" Labour of Love scooped The Independent on Sunday and their funders at Associated with the following view:
"You only have to look at that rapscallion Cameron and that jackanape Johnson for evidence of the fuddled and erratic thinking induced behind the bike sheds of Eton, Harrow etc."
Not Saturday, not Friday, but Thursday. The questions for Cameron now are: "What else is there?" and "Is there an 'age of maturity' for future politicians after which they must take responsibility for their behaviour?"
Perhaps the naughty political charity Policy Exchange could produce a study? And let's watch out for UKIP taking a view on this opportunity and going after the 20 to 30% of the population that do care about dope psychosis.UPDATE: There's always a bit of light relief to be had at the UKIP Comedy Site. I'm not quite whether my prediction just above on UKIP exploitation of Cameron's dopey history was correct or incorrect. HERE they come over all of a scold about his refusal to come clean while HERE they question his libertarian credentials and legalisation agenda. All the while UKIP trade under a logo which seems like nothing other than a Big E. Strange for a small state, no E party!
Has it ever occured to you to promote the benefits of socialism?
Or even social democracy?
Going negative ALL the time is so soul destroying.
Thanks optimist. Has it ever occured to you to use your name when you make comments? The benefits of socialism or even social democracy are self evident here in Labour Manchester.
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