Thursday, March 01, 2007

Milburn and Clarke: Laurel and Hardy?

The last time I used this graphic was to describe the fractured mess of the local Lib Dems in Manchester. But it also seems perfect to describe the fractured mess of the New Labour project and "another fine mess" that is the2020vision of our very own Stan and Ollie.

Gordon Brown (and the Labour Party) will benefit most in my opinion from being challenged from the left and centre left, not from his fellow neo-liberals for whom the personality question heads off the policy one which should have primacy.

We could now have McDonnell for the Left, Brown for the Centre Right, and Clarke for the Right. There is plenty of space between McDonnell and Brown, and plenty of nominations to go round, to see a Centre Left challenge too. Obviously not meaning the non-starter Meacher.


Manchester University Labour Club said...

To be fair I think Milburn and Clarke are making it about policy rather than personality.

Basically within New Labour there is broad agreement over the overall political direction but some disagreement over the means used to get there.

Chris Paul said...

You're bananas Adele. When Milburn and Clarke say: "this is all about policy" they actually mean "anyone but Gordon who is a moron". And on the second point they agree about the means "any means available" and about the ends "power at all costs". New Labour is out of steam. It is time for Newer Labour, which is actually older. Or as I prefer Just Labour.

Will Parbury said...

"To be fair I think Milburn and Clarke are making it about policy rather than personality."

If you believe that tell me about those flying saucers you've just seen.

Anonymous said...

What a pair of weasels they are. Paxman's distaste was self-evident. Another Newsnight disaster for the Blairites.
The website is pompous double-speak of the "forward not back" variety. All designed, apparently, to renew New Labour. Please God, no. Anyone seen Van Helsing????

Tom said...

It is in fact time for NewerLabour, but there are plenty of ideas which are new, untested and contextualised for todays big political phenomena which are actually to the left of where we are now. That's where we should be gradually headed.

The public trust the labour party. Now let's start pulling them towards a fairer society.

Chris Paul said...

Well said El Tom. Newer Labour needs to be Just Labour and yes new ideas welcome and necessary. But they must be tested to be Labour ideas as a bare minimum. Re-running trickle down as a reformist social democrat value won't wash.

Anonymous said...

Does this "fairer society" include keeping nurses' pay below the rate of inflation.Brown is really excelling himself.Hope UNISON respond accordingly.

Chris Paul said...

Lord Hunt is spinning it that because of other payments nurses and NHS people in general better off by 4.5 to 4.9%. Meanwhile sad sight of a moaning GP on C4 News claiming to be getting 0% which after the alleged 50-100% last year or the year before - with no strings - must cramp his style a bit.

Manchester University Labour Club said...

eChris mate, I'm as labour as anyone. I'm saying that they are trying to have a policy debate. I think everything they believe in is fairly ridiculous. They probably disagree with Gordon's policies.

For instance, scrapping inheritance tax is an absolute pile of rubbish. I'm not sure how power mad they really are, because some of their ideas are ones that would put us out of power for a fair while.

The truth is from talking to people on the doorstep in a wide variety of places, I'm talking marginals here, not just Manchester. If we stood on a genuinely social democratic platform, we would be in power changing lives for an eternity.

Chris Paul said...

Look Adele. They are NOT interested in a policy debate. Let it go. They are not nice people. They are telling lies.

Chris Paul said...

PS Your last point has some truth in it. Does this mean you are now a McDonnellite?

Manchester University Labour Club said...

Aah, forgive me I've been talking to my Dad who likes Milburn for some reason.

Being Labour doesn't necessarily mean being Old Labour. I think McDonnell has some very good points to make especially when talking about privatisation and consistency in politics. He is also one of the nicest, warmest and most genuine people that I have ever had the pleasure of meeting in the party.

However, I'm someone who never experienced the Thatcher years. In a way this influences me massively. John talks a lot as if we need to refight the battles of the 80s. Now I only really know about those battles from my parents. To be quite frank if we'd won them at the time then fine; but I'm not sure its wise to go back to them.

I want to hear about Labour's positive agenda for the future. Because when we have done genuinely social democratic things that have reformed the capitalist system and removed its perceived injustices we really achieve something that not just gives us something to shout about but changes millions of lives.

Thats why if Milburn and crew really were up for a debate based on policy I'd be up for it.

Some of the stuff that we've done in terms of the minimum wage, peace in NI, rights at work, investment in education and health, has not just been popular but its been right. When we've stuck to the principles of freedom, equality, social justice and solidarity we have achieved much. Thats what I want our future agenda to be based on. Rather than this complete focus on triangulation from Milburn et al or a return to the policies which saw us smashed electorally in the 80s.

I don't think that Gordon is leadership material. I don't think he is right to lead the country. Whether PFI is right or not, he is tainted by it. I think he lacks political courage and he has not once inspired me. I'd like to see someone with vision and optimism that can sustain the broad coalition that saw Labour become a truly cross class party.

Think thats enough for now.

Chris Paul said...

Adele: You're right. That is enough. You should get your own blog. You have one? Oh.

If it's not Gordon (shock horror, do NOLS know?) and not John (quelle surprise) are you backing ... Michael? Or Alan? Aaaaaaargh to both.

Manchester University Labour Club said...

Er, free vote on the leadership mate. Was just answering your point tho it turned into a bit of a rant!! I will be supporting the best candidate. That may be Gordon I only wish there was someone with a bit more labour vision.