Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Chorlton : Lib Dem Paul Ankers' Jody Dunn Moment

First Published 15:31 today

John Hollicker, an avowed Labour AND Lib Dem hater, is a regular at Thomas Graham's mighty John Leech Watch SLOG (contraction of Slanging and Blog).

In my opinion Thomas needs to weed out the Lib Dem imposters pretending to be local people but blogging from Lib Dem desks financed by the tax payer. But the questions are a useful account of the problems with Cllr John Leech MP.

Although there is an open invitation no-one has yet published anything much complimentary about the Christie Hoaxer but the payroll trolls keep up a spirited defence.

Anyway, back to Green giant John Hollicker:

I was at the bus stop on Tuesday night when the Lib Dem contender for Chorlton was working the street...his mobile pressed to ear ... and he (genuinely) came out with the following:
" None of the bastards will open the door to me."

Paul Ankers was next to post - claiming very unconvincingly that he was on a different street. He also said that he rarely swears. But to his eternal credit (for a Lib Dem) he was honest and did not deny he uttered the words.

This is what disinterested witness Hollicker calls a John Leech clone having his Jody Dunn Moment.

"Bastards" is so much more economical than "drunk, flanked by an angry dog, or undressed". Good job Paul. I believe you said this based on a witness who hates Labour just as much as Lib Dems. But my readers will need to decide for themselves.

Chorlton people don't want to open the door to you because they have read your dire fibs, because they love Chorlton and Manchester and hate the way you run our city down, because they like Angela Gallagher and were appalled at the treatment she received from your party, and because they know that Angela is right about John Leech's appalling Christie Hoax.

MYSTERY: Is Wayne Ankers at the Manchester Evening News any relation? And this "local man" Paul Ankers in Brooklands is he related?


Anonymous said...

Now we'll have another reason not to let this lazy bugger in to see us. Was he speaking with Leech? is this really the way they talk about Cholrotn people. They're the bastards round here.

Anonymous said...

Just been tipped off to your blog. Re. Ankers and the comment.
This was a 100% genuine incident, no lies, no over-elaboration.
Credit to Paul for not denying but it was a priceless moment.

But look, this is small beer compared to Labour asking us Chorltonites to elect a wishy-washy Lib Dem defector who bankrolled Leech's Christie campaign et al to the tune of £12K.
C'mon Chris. You and your mob spend your lives denouncing Leech and co. on some of the most trivial matterszzzzzzz going, yet you welcome into your ranks a woman who was (substantially) responsible for his election and that rain forest's worth of leaflets.
Shurely shume double shtandard?

Chris Paul said...

It was £23,000 John. At the very least. Angela got a very poor deal from the Lib Dems on all kinds of fronts. I believe she felt bullied and used and that she certainly felt desperately unhappy with the lies Leech and Co were spinning with her cash.

I also believe as I've said many a time that there was a feeling before the election that with success at least a good part of it would be returned.

My feeling - confirmed by party moles - is that the Lib Dems were planning to ambush Angela and put someone else up. That's disgraceful. They are lying about just about everything now in their terrible desperation.

Angela is essentially a Labour voter and a Labour supporter and indeed was a Labour member before she was recruited with sweet words by our hero. They soon spat her out having parted her from her savings.

She has a life of service to the public. She is a conscientious representative and far too honest a person for Manchester Lib Dems.

New recruits are always welcome to Manchester Labour. Angela is a walking, talking advert for not messing with Leech and not voting for him.

Anonymous said...

Is this Paul, the other Paul, and Wayne related to the Paul Ankers who stood as a "local man" in Fallowfield? They all seem to use the same 'stunt children' in the family man shot.

Anonymous said...

Paul Ankers Lib Dem candidate for Chorlton is the same Paul Ankers that stood in Fallowfield and Brooklands

Chris Paul said...

Thanks Paul: He obviously has a low opinion of all Mancunians by thinking he can pose as local wherever he goes, as well as thinking Chorlton folk are "bastards" for not coming to the door. Is Leech his main phone buddy for this campaign? Is that how he refers to the electorate also?

Anonymous said...

His Jody Dunn moment in Brooklands where he stood last year was to claim that all the local Post offices had closed. This caused a gentleman in his 70s to walk over a 4 mile round trip to collect his pension because he believed what he read in a Fib Dem leaflet. there may have been others who did the same.

Local Ankers then had himself photographed in front of a Post office , very much open and very much in the ward. Idiot!

He will unravel. Don't worry, he's Fib Dud

Chris Paul said...

He already has unravelled really. Classic police numbers hoax, quoting county wide figures that aren't even true when it comes to county wide, bigging up Leech's disatrous police numbers debate which I may blog soon, slandering our on the record in print anti-war PPC, still claiming the Christie was (or is?) closing, and that he's done anything more than a few tired photo opps pointing at pavements!

John Grant pointed at EXACTLY the same pavement FOUR YEARS AGO, was elected and did absolutely nothing about that or anything else for that matter.

Shame the war-dancing chump is not up this year as he is at a woeful slump in popularity through serial fibs and serial inactivity, braggartry and insulting of local community activists.

And John Grant - YES, that Post Office IS still open and YOU DO owe everyone in Whalley Range a pint to HONOUR your SHODDY bet that it'd close.

Pillock! Is that allowed on here? (Editor: you are the editor)

Anonymous said...

For some reason the people of Hartlepool opened the door for the dour Dunn but the people of Chorlton wouldn't for the cheerful Ankers. Why would that be?

Anonymous said...

Re, your reply. Fair enough Chris. Good points well made. Just wonder how altogether naive that makes Angela. And it is the more uninformed members of the public that will need to be convinced.

Chris Paul said...

John Hollicker: Must say that rather than questioning Angela's or the Withington Voter's naivity it might be better to concentrate on what an effective, charming and persuasive fibber John Leech has been.

Being a charming (but to me snarling) fibber is not part of the job description for a good local MP. Perhaps for ministers and the like ... but not ripping yarns to your own electorate, that's pants.

Anonymous said...

Maybe Paul Ankers moved from one area to another, that would make him local wouldn't it?? He was brought up in Chortlon though wasn't he?