Saturday, April 07, 2007

Classless Society: Forged on the Playing Fields of Eton

"It was not often that a blogger could describe "classless" George Osborne as 'Far Left'. But then Dizzy remembererd that life's a stage, and stage left is Far Right."
Few days ago now Dizzy published a justification for surreal Toffs in government. Basically he said that if they're good enough then they're good enough. But there's a thought. Are they good enough? No, no, no.

Class mobility in both directions is overstated rather. The two questions for Osborne, Cameron and Johnson (and the other Etonian fuckwits) ought to be :

"If they were part of the Bullingdon Bullies Bollinger club with habitual activities including restaurant smashing, fox cub monstering, booze and drugs in excess ... can you be rehabilitated?"
"Why the hell are there so many Old Etonians on man-of-the-people DC's front bench ... actually quite a few of them are rather dim, but not nice. Not just toffs, but uber toffs."

PICTURE KEY and more from The Daily Mail.

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