Friday, April 20, 2007

Comment is Free: Michael White is Wrong, Again

Guido Slayer Michael White has Blogged-for-Gordon HERE. Fortunately he does not control the process as a contest is clearly desired.

My reply:

Clearly the situation after John Smith's death was quite different. But some weeks before that would you, Michael have listed Tony Blair as an ambitious and credible candidate for the highest office? Who *would* you have listed?

When exactly did you cotton on to Dave-id Cameron as being the one for the Bullingdon Tories?

Seems to me the Labour left and mid-left (can't say centre-left as New Labour claim that) could have brought ourselves to having a primary process among those members of the PLP significantly to the left of GB and TB - which John McDonnell might even have won - we would have had a *programme* very similar to John's and a built in group of nominations to back the chosen candidate onto the ballot and onwards in a serious challenge to the right.

Unfortunately we have not had that. It will not happen now. But the programme should not frighten the horses too much. It is in many ways populist and what people might have really wanted in 1997. And John McDonnell is an impressive man with far more experience - as Ken's left-hand-man at the GLC and i/c money - than people give him credit for.

John has been exceedingly rebellious of course, and rather critical of those who have chosen to spend their votes and arguments to achieve step changes and useful nuances in government bills. But he promises to be inclusive.

It does not have to be Gordon through dearth of talent. And if it is to be Gordon I think it is very important for the Labour Party, the labour movement and the country that he makes his peace with the anti-war and socialist elements of the party as well as bringing the right to heel.

Having a contest is very obviously the best way to achieve that. PLP members will do well to ensure there are at least three shades of red on the ballot. They have enough nominations to see six or seven if six or seven are willing.

Blair has been a class act. Far, far better than Cameron will ever be. If only he'd driven us towards the social democracy of Sweden or Finland as Neal Lawson suggested yesterday we'd have been in great shape just now. Instead he has always seemed to look to the USA for home policy ideas (a strange choice), and held her coat as she bullies the world.

I never bought the three myths of Blairism:

1. It had to be Blair to win
2. It had to be that programme to win
3. It had to continue to be Blair and that programme to keep winning

No, no and no! There were, and still are other opportunities.

There is no dearth of talent. There is plenty. Needing a chance to shine.

There is still time for the Okey Kokey Koronation Karaoke.

More on the blog soon. Fawkes and Dale BOTH missed Yates handing in his dossier. Amateurs!


susan press said...

Excellent riposte to Michael White, Chris. The dismissive tones of these over-paid, arrogant w****** makes me want to punch them.
This is not a very measured post, sorry! But the enemy is getting pretty nasty......Just thought I would have a quick rant..

Chris Paul said...

Fair enough. I've seen you've had one on his blog as well. What a tosser! Even more shame on Guido for getting hoist petard-wise by him.

Anonymous said...

Apart from anything else Michael White is insulting his pal Gordon Brown by saying he's only going to win by default, dint of lack of competition ...

jailhouselawyer said...

I have discovered Blair's legacy.

BTW, would I be right in thinking that only Brown has remained in position since 1997? If so, what has he got on Tony? Surely, not just the alleged agreement to hand over the reins of power?

Good post on White's article.