Monday, April 30, 2007

Justice for England: Free the 50 Million

Iain Dale is sending people along to this. Mayday! Mayday! Mad March Hare with his blessing.

Says it is nothing to do with UKIP and BNP. And now he's protesting too much. No-one said he was a BNP sympathiser.

There seems little doubt that UKIP and BNP people will jump on this bandwagon.

The march site does of course link to the ever so reasonable far-right Freedom Association with all those respectable Tory grandees, MEPs etc.


Chris Paul said...

Have posted this over at Iain's:

No one accused you of being a BNP sympathiser did they Iain? People thought/think the March would be an excuse for the creeps to hit the streets alongside you and yours.

Very different from the charge you are reacting to. And unlike that one which is clearly false it is probably true.

The left, and particularly the Labour Left, have a problem with our very own nutters taking over valid protests with the beyond-the-pale.

Clearly one can be anti-war without being pro-Hezbollah. Clearly too one can be pro-England without being pro-BNP.

My blog will not intentionally promote an anti-war March which is to be dominated or hijacked by fundamentalists or nihilists. The question for yourselves is whether this march you're promoting is going to be your analogue of that or not.

Gareth said...

Well, I'm going and I detest the BNP with a passion.

I'm not UKIP either.

Or Freedom Association.

I'm just English with no party affiliations, and the Labour Party need to look at asymmetric democracy, the Barnett Formula and free cancer drugs for the Scots that are unavailable to the English before they start screaming racist.

I don't regard the English as a race so I am hesitant to belittle the word 'racist' by using it to describe New Labour. But I do regard them as an intensely Anglophobic party.

Chris Paul said...

Toque: I hope you enjoy yourself. You are right to a degree. But Councils have come to recognise the need for Englishness flying St George's Flags and supporting events. In Manchester this has included backing a St George's Day parade for the last three or four years.

The fascists have a problem with it because it includes people of all races and faiths and cultures who happen to live in our part of England under this flag. The BP were refused to include their float in it this year. So they parked it by the roadside and blasted loud music over the parade.

They are simply wreckers.

Labour do need to address these concerns as do all the mainstream parties. The taped interview with Cameron's "white van man" on the BNP website is very revealling.

One of Labour's DL candidates Jon Cruddas majors on ways of re-engaging working people and rescuing them from the clutches of haters. That is the way to go. Not calling them scum.

As the BNP themselves do HERE.

On the devolution issues ... it's clear that if you have devolution you will have differences. Different priorities. If you want uniformity on cancer drugs then you would need to keep the NHS centralised. If you allow local choices they are very likely to be local differences.

Can't be had both ways that one.

Chris Paul said...

BNP not BP

Gareth said...

I'm all for devolution but it's never been offered to England.

It's disingenuous to imply that devolution is about choice when it's only been offered to a fraction of the UK population.

I'm not complaining that Scotland has the right to choose, I'm complaining that England doesn't (and Prescott's regions would never have given us that choice).

Anonymous said...

god some people are slow.

As Edmund Burke said, the House of Commons is:

"A deliberative assembly of one nation, with one interest, that of the whole … You choose a member indeed; but when you have chosen him he is not a member for Bristol, but he is a member of Parliament".

Parliament remains the sovereign body for the whole of the United Kingdom and can vote to abolish the Scottish Parliament and Welsh Assembly at any time of its choosing.

It is they who are second class citizens, not the English.