Monday, April 23, 2007

Labour Leader: Brown Conspirator Tom Watson MP Links to New "Stand Down Meacher" Community

Aaargh, that was my 666th post. This is my 667th. Tom Watson MP has blessed the Stand Down Meacher facebook community with a link. 91 members in less than 24 hours. Twice Baron von Meachausen's site.

The Meach is insisting he has 24 statements from MPs saying they are nominating him. If true this is a bit like trying to buy a house to let with Monopoly money rather than the real thing. One senses that real nominations may be harder to come by than "play" nominations and the Guardian's Tania Branigan repeats Brown's briefing that McDonnell is just five away as well as repeating Meacher's dismissal of the claim that he has only three nominations including himself.

As Adele states on the facebook site:

If you were from the right you wouldn't vote for Meacher because politically you would disagree with him.
If you were from the centre you wouldn't vote for him because of his mad conspiracy theories.
If you were from the left you wouldn't vote for him because he voted for the war.

So the question is, who would actually vote for Meacher?

Which seems like a fair question.


susan press said...

Cheers, Chris. !

Chris Paul said...

No worries. 'Twas not a great imposition.

susan press said...

101 members......and counting.....