Monday, April 02, 2007

University Challenge: Manchester vs Durham

Manchester currently monstering Durham as it should be. Last week UCL asked what three word term was used by the Reverend Jesse Jackson to describe the constituency he was looking for for support. They said "The Great Unwashed" which was not correct. Any answers?

UPDATE: Drawn away for 240:90 and a chance to defend our title. Anecdote about one of the insider clots who got in the sabb-packed team the year I tried out. The first year allowed back after the famous piss-taking of Aaronovitch and Co. When I can remember the traitor's name ...


Tom said...

'The rainbow coalition' by any chance?

Chris Paul said...

What a good guess/show of knowledge that is my friend. UCL unfortuntely did not progress.

Chris Paul said...

And the Traitor's name was Costello I seem to recall. Mike? Anyway the shit went for the Civil Service Competition and was interviewed and asked who were all the commies and lefties in the SU. He reeled them all off to get his career running. The swine.

And because they picked all Sabbs and mates they were pitched out immediately by Keele or the like.

We would have won that year if they had been half serious about picking. But they were not.

Anonymous said...

It might have been called something else. He was supposedly a Libertarian (like Guido) Socialist (unlike Guido) but didn't hesitate to dob everyone in to further his career as a spy. His list was comprehensively the same as the one held by Special Branch who had gleaned it cleverly from looking at manifestos at election time.

"Costello" missed a friend of mine, a PMH student, who had stood as "Joe Stalin" and proposed to turn the Medical School into a tank factory with the experimental animals section being taken over as the Porton Down of the North.

They thought he was kidding. But he was not. This same student hopped up to the Rylands Library two weeks before his finals and asked bemused staff: "Is this the Library?" "Yes" "Where do you keep the books?" He scraped a lucky "pass" degree when something he had picked up in a recent Morning Star came up when he was dangling over complete and utter failure.

Anonymous said...

Chris: this University Challenge anecdote? It is not some sort of allegory is it mate? Wasn't it Brunel that beat them?

Tom said...


Chris Paul said...


Chris Paul said...

Karl Marx

Sadly I cannot - for the moment - find who beat the Manchester team in 1975. Probably not Brunel who are among the teams never to have won. As Manchester were until last year.

Anonymous said...

You bunch of middle class fuckers.
Who cares which bunch of toffs beat another bunch of toffs in 1975?

Chris Paul said...

Now now now Comrade. It is only a game show after all. And the point you are making is EXACTLY the one Aaronowitch and his rev comm pals made so hilariously in 1975.

Anyone reading this will of course also be bewildered by your own morbid fascination with winning quizes you happen to be in yourself.

Are you a situationist?

Anonymous said...

Lenin! Stalin! Marx! Kill Trots!