Friday, May 11, 2007

BBC Poll: Nona Theo Buvv leads Gordon Brown

The BBC are running a poll ahead of the party itself on who should lead Labour. The mischievious back bencher Nona Theo Buvv MP is dominating. Though Brown is a clear second, McDonnell third and Meacher trails in fourth. I've checked: Nona Theo Buvv is not an anagram of Tony Blair.
UPDATE: Gordon's people have clouted NTB and taken a lead.


Anonymous said...

this poll appears to have been stuffed by Brownite fraudsters. Suddenly Brown has got a 58% to 22% lead. Before, he was well behind.

What has happened? Just one cheater with a script? Sponsored by Brown himself?

Chris Paul said...

I suspect real punters have been taking part. John and Mad Mike's 20% and the Nona Theo Buvv 20% suggest a 75:25 break in the country which would be better than many predict. However John himself is still saying he can win ...