Sunday, May 20, 2007

Everybody Hates Chris: Thanksgiving Special

Before I report on my investigation into the Dale-Kite spat I'd like to say that I LOVE "Everybody Hates Chris". Apart from validating my whole life story, in the series title alone, it is often very funny.

I'm not sure "Everybody Hates Thanksgiving" was anywhere near the funniest. But the last minute was marvellous.

The family had had macaroni cheese for their scheduled "feast" - due to a cock up on the catering front - and Uncle (Huggy Bear) had handed Chris a subversive book by "Trevor X" to help with his homebook.

Many hours later they had their turkey too. And after the holiday, back in school Chris insisted on reading his homework: 'The Meaning of Thanksgiving: What I'm Thankful For' to the class.

It meant family love to him. And reminded him of how the Pilgrim Fathers were so very welcomed. Roofs over their heads and a thanksgiving feast, thanks to the Native Americans. In thanks the pilgrims slaughtered the Native Americans, and so what Chris was most thankful for was NOT being Native American.

How DO they sell this cosy family gathering to the good people of America?


Anonymous said...

Same way they sell the slaughter and ethnic cleansing of Palestinians from Palestine?

Anonymous said...

I'll never know either but Chris is a genius.

I thank God every day that I'm not some Halloween costume, I mean an Indian.

Greatest moral to a story I've ever heard!