Friday, May 18, 2007

Gordon Brown: You'll Have to Wait ...

Don't feel inspired just at the moment. Just impressed by competence and commitment. And the way the man's relaxed.


susan press said...

I'm glad to hear Gordon's "relaxed." Why wouldn't he ? He has ensured that he would not be held to account by the Party or asked to explain his policy positions.I continue to be outraged.Probably because I used to have a bit of faith in the man.
Yesterday's Guardian outlined in detail how he used bully tactics to ensure John McDonnell did not get on the ballot. We must ensure this never hapens again and to this end my CLP unanimously passed a motion lowering the leadership thresholdfrom 12.5 percent to 7.5percent.

Chris Paul said...

I'd go lower than that!

I'd also allow other sections of the electoral college to nominate. Say 20 CLPs from at least three regions. Or Trade Unions amounting to a suitable percentage of the levy payers (remembering the mergers and acquisitions this is a tough one - 51% from at least three unions?).

It is probably important to retain or even increase the percentage for a challenge without a vacancy because that is the key thing the party managers are worried about.

We need to accept responsibility for this not blame Brown or craven MPs. Kinnock changed the system following mallarkey or democracy by Benn Snr.

I like it that Brown's got ruthless. He needs to be to beat the Tories and see off the USA too.

We should make sure the forms go out every year to the PLP and so on as the rule book states.

We try to get the NEC to change the rulebook rather than having to wait two years for a CLP rule change to get on the agenda and get wiped out. This means negotiation not confrontation.

Anonymous said...

You like it that Brown's got ruthless? I despair......