Monday, May 14, 2007

Labour Leadership: BBC Analysis is Gone Astray

Nick Assinder has attempted an analysis of the potential effect of a McDonnell candidacy for Labour Party Leader. He's right about the appetite for a contest in the party. But I think his idea that a better-than-expected result - which he puts at 75:25 - would harm Gordon from day one is pretty fanciful and may be the opposite of the truth.

It would do Gordon and the Party no harm at all to consider and respond to the issues and arguments of the Labour left. It could however do Gordon and the party harm if he responds only or mainly to the right.

Having a contest will clearly provide an opportunity for recruitment and retention of members and levy paying Trade Unionists. And it will provide far more media interest and coverage than a one-horse race, however frenzied the Deputy Dawg contest may be.


susan press said...

Well said, Chris.It's so long since the left have even been on the radar that the media don't seem to understand a) what is going onand b) how significant it is.Going to be a toughie but I think John is going to do it.Expect the Sun to pitch in tomorrow......

Chris Paul said...

Will that be Jane Moore? I hope she didn't see me calling her a waste of a Chair on QT!?

Chris Paul said...

PS I had a conversation with one MPs researcher recently - in the last 24h - and they thought JM would get the nominations.

Had a conversation with a LP officer several months ago and they suggested that GB-JM was the perfect combination for a useful contest.

susan press said...

Do you know Stringer well???? A, going to e-mail him as have known him for many years......he was voting Meacher....but might need some persuasion