Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Labour Leadership: Open Letter to Jon Cruddas and Compass Company

Dear Jon Cruddas

According to my information you have yet to nominate in the Leadership contest. I believe it would be a service to Party Democracy and to the Labour Party's standing in the country if there were a contest for Leader.

Could you please therefore nominate John McDonnell to ensure a contest.

This would demonstrate your commitment to a real debate in the party, to renewing from the grassroots, and to restoring party democracy and respect for the rank and file members who form the party and the movement.

Please ask your supporters and Compass friends to do likewise.

Thank you

Chris Paul

Party member since 1983


Archie said...

Good work, I would've thought Jon Cruddas would nominate McDonnell.

Perhaps he doesnt want his deputy leadership campaign to be tarred with the 'looney left' brush in the media

Chris Paul said...

I've sent often personalised emails to all the remaining MPs I know about. It took 60 minutes including coffee breaks, bathroom stops, opening Gordon Brown's mailshot, reading it (3 mins) and wondering at modern dentistry.

It'll be easier still after the 1pm update.

Anonymous said...

McDonnell up to just 29 at the 1pm update; he's screwed.

susan press said...

chris, it's looking bad. End ofdemocracy in the Labour Party.....

susan press said...

4pm. Press conference.Game over.