Today: Jon Cruddas and Strangers into Citizens
Clockwise from top left: Main Strangers into Citizens vid, en Francais, Espagnol, Supporters.
Hat tip to Jon Cruddas whose communal interview is in The Independent today. Biography Here and Blog There.
Clockwise from top left: Main Strangers into Citizens vid, en Francais, Espagnol, Supporters.
Hat tip to Jon Cruddas whose communal interview is in The Independent today. Biography Here and Blog There.
Chris Paul
4:49 pm
Chris, in the Guardian you left this comment:
"How do we sell this amnesty and the real benefits of immigration?"
OK, obviously that would be benefits to us, the existing population of the UK.
I'll kick off with an easy one, a trivial matter - foreign cuisine. Immigration brings us access to all sorts of new recipes and foods. There thats the superficial, irrelevant one dealt with.
Now its over too you, the other real benefits of immigration. These will be the hard nosed things, the benefits that no-one sensible could argue with.
Obviously we dont wont be hearing any vague fluff about diversity or vibrancy. And if you do find yourself using those terms I will be expecting definitions.
There we go, very simple.
Er, thanks anonymous. Very helpful. UK politicians of all parties are running scared of immigration. I've put this question. I want answers not the question batted back to me.
You won't get any kind of useful response because you are not asking the right question.
Ask instead why no consideration can be given to the ethnic rights and interests of the English. Then you will be treated to the full leftist hatefest, which should tell you that this is a non-rational issue for them. "Reasons" are not required. Moral exercise is.
If pushed, reasons may be proferred. But these are paper-thin and strictly for the believers' own consumption.
I conducted an e-mail exchange recently with Austen Ivereigh, who runs SiC. I asked him that question about the English. He affected to disbelieve in the existence of any people identifiably as English, falling back upon the usual "nation of immigrants" trope. I held my hand over that because he is a nice guy and well-meaning in his woolly way, and I didn't need to use the occasion to crush him.
What I have learned about liberalism, after thirty years of close study, is that it has degenerated into a bona fide secular religion. But it is a religion of projection, in a psychological sense. Instead of demanding the transcendence and nullification of self, it demands the breaking of our bonds as fathers, as families, as instinctual heterosexuals, and most of all as a distinct people with a birthright to our own homeland.
The followers of this new religion, like yourself, are just conventional thinking people, that's all. They have no capacity whatsoever to resist the general ideological tenor of the age, and no understanding from whence that ideology came and why, and whose interests it serves (other questions you might ask sometime).
But start with that English question on any left forum. See what wondrous unreason prevails.
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