Friday, May 04, 2007

UK-elections-2007: Tories Disappointed Already, and Liverpool Handbags from Lib Dem Oaf

Nick Robinson has William Hague Ian Duncan Smith admitting this is going to be a disappointing night. He was also 25 minutes behind the wave, or 35 behind Hirsty on the Hull result.

Not sure what happened in Liverpool. I thought I heard a gain of four seats. I thought it was for Labour. Others thought it was for Lib Dems. Their Group Leader Warren Bradley was certainly being bullish. Which means the second version would seem more likely. But this is Liverpool Lib Dems and fighting talk is the rule, whatever happens.

UPDATE: Well, by the time the bar shut FOUR had turned into FIVE and a HALF. FOR Labour. FROM Lib Dems. And Cllr Warren Bradley, Cllr Mike Storey's sock puppet of a stand in, had assaulted the Labour candidate in the possible 6th gain.

CORRECTION: It was Ian Duncan Smith that Nick Robinson stitched up.


jailhouselawyer said...

Cheers Chris. Did you catch this?

Chris Paul said...

Thanks John
I'll take a look.
Best w
Chris P