Friday, June 15, 2007

Cameronstenes: "Without Labour Nothing Prospers"

The Mirror suggested yesterday that Dave-id Cameron - He's hisTory after yet another literary-historical reference which has his own side baffled.

The Mirror were fairly gentle with DC really. He was doing the old Punch and Judy thing; jeering at a parliamentarian who had been seriously ill; using a comparator who was famously afflicted with a speech impediment; and worst of all, surely missing his audience or helping convince them he's a stuck up, callous, Bullingdon Bully Boy Toff.

Meanwhile Recess Monkey reports Number 10 sending out an email to Labour MPs to help them with any baffled constitutents, but sadly giving the wrong reference. The God and Cult Figurehead rather than the Top Orator.

The Mirror news story ended by reminding Cameron of Sophocles' dire warning to the people: "Without Labour nothing prospers". Amen to that.


Anonymous said...

Love the croquet mallet.

Anonymous said...

Croquet mallet? That's a hammer headed sex toy for sharking old scrotes.