Car Crash Telly: That Channel 4 Vox Pop 10 Seconds
My mate Barry emails from Manila. He's recently got back from his little "training" trip back to Blighty, including a road race or two and a visit to both The Beech on Beech Road in god's own suburb of Chorlton and to the "Dive" club at the bus station which is the home of an unruly element of Manchester's diving community.
Barry has somehow caught wind of Channel 4 News and my "Parasites" moment on last night's news. Actually from Gaz. But he cannot find it again to spread revolt through the antipodean colonies and Far East markets where he SAPs and Oracles like a good 'un. Between scube-ing at Puerto Galera. This Mindoro resort - just 40 minutes and US$300 (for three) from Manila by seaplane - now has wifi broadband. Barry's dream of working on The Beach (or even The Beech) is nearer than ever. The programme sections (plural) are here. the first section includes all the talking heads from C4, from the ex-Royal retainer and HM's opposition parties and lasts about 19 minutes. The second section which is seven minutes long has the famous vox pop plus an item with the Falling Man auteur Henry Singer (audio download, tiny at 79 bytes).
The rather serious LOL quote is between 1:43 and 1:53 in.
Here is the unabridged transcript:I don't really care much about the royal family.
I think they are parasites.
But much as I am a Republican I think that - probably - it would be wrong to show pictures of dead and dying people.
Will stick some screen grabs up and review the assembled company in part 1 soon. After the family lurchers have had a lurch in both directions, a mill round the meadow and a good sniff around.
In short Tory toff Hugo Swires possibly gets to the right answer for quite the wrong and very deferential reasons. He hadn't been "privileged" to see the thing himself.
UPDATE: If you drag the cursor almost to the right on the longer first film you can cut to the chase. It jumps straight to the second.
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