'Gis A Job: Yozzer Visits from Liverpool Labour
Attracted by the twilight tennis of Tiger Tim Henman's career here a Mr Yozzer from Blueberry Fields, Liverpool has visited. I have reciprocated.My reward? A terrible/wonderful story of the Lib Dem yellow peril's slashing of the pay, terms and conditions of some of Liverpool's hardest working and lowest paid staff. Why on earth does anyone vote for these incompetent and uncaring chancers?
Liverpool Carers are to get a new contract which comes into force a week today. This new contract pushed through by the Lib Dems includes a gagging clause that stops the workers telling the media what's in it. That they are set to lose one third of their income by not being paid while they are travelling.
Presumably it doesn't apply this week!. Liverpool Lib Dems threatened to pull The Pops then cut it by 90%, they have run the city into debt with silly gestures, and as their losses mounted their leader was seen physically attacking a rival on election night. Liverpool "City of Culture" is a "City of Vultures" under this ramshackle Lib Dem regime.
The whole Homecare sector is under enormous pressure. There are thousands upon thousands of volunteer carers, including children. And paid carer jobs are so difficult and low paid that there is high turnover, low morale and cheap chiselling.
RESOURCES: Unison's Homecare Page; a model Word letter to your MP about carers; and Home Care petition (pdf).
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