Monday, June 18, 2007

Gordon Brown: Countdown Will Work Soon ...

Gordon Brown does something David Cameron will never do and earns another place in history in just a few days.


susan press said...

Indeed. Talking of history, when Major became unelected Prime Minister in 1990 Brown called for an immediate General Election so the new PM would have a mandate. I wonder if he will act accordingly now.

Chris Paul said...

He won't have to. But he may wish to. Major didn't do it now did he? William Hague suggested on Radio Five Live that that was different as Maggie didn't expect to have to go then ... exactly the same as in the case of Blair.

Prime Minister is not an elected position. It is not President. Brown won the leadership of his party on his party's rules. By a landslide. That's it. He will become Prime Minister as his party - and our party don't forget - has more seats than all the other parties put together. Long may that be the case. There is scope for change now. Enjoy it.

We need to be getting on with it. Try and change the rules. But respect them. Ask the more serious people on the left about the rule book and they will tell you it is sacred and no mistake.

Try and change policy too. It is possible. Though perhaps not through the traditional route which has been coughing and spluttering for some time.

You're still grieving for what would never have been. I'm pissed off that I haven't been able to subvert the Tory countdown and make it work on my blog - but with a different message!

susan press said...

1. The more serious people on the Left ( are you suggesting am not one?) I know think the "sacred" rule book has been consistently violated over the years to keep the Left out of the picture.
2/"Landslide." yes, of the supine PLP.But don't expect the serious left to celebrate Brown's coronation
3. Attempts to change rules have been systematically hijacked by Conference apparatchiks. Let's hope that changes.I have done my best via CLP

Anonymous said...

Oh just go and join the Lib Dems already grim.

Chris Paul said...

1. I'm not sure how serious you are Susan. I don't think you understand the current point or the general point about the rule book. I'm not about to name names but rules is rules. Change them or live with them.
2. Supine PLP or no - that's what it allows in the rule book - and as you know fiddling with the %s there is not the answer IMO.
3. NEC rule changes go through. And they are dealt with same year. Very few CLP rule changes go through. And they receive a year's delay also. Lesson - try for NEC changes i.e. negotiate.
Susan could never be a Lib Dem. She has politics.

The Great Clunking Fisk said...

And, I upstaged David Davis at the ACPO conference in Manchester.

Chris Paul said...

Well done Mr GC Fist! You're a star. But Iain Dale says you're very naughty for not telling the Tories or ACPO of your devious plans to make a speech to Chief Constables and their ilk.

There should be a law against it.

Could you also please clear all press releases and briefings with CCHQ before publication? That's only fair you know.

susan press said...

Odd how abusers are nearly always anonymous. So far this week have been called a Trot and also advised to join the Lib Dems. Intersting anyone should think the Lib Dems are to the left of Labour. Trouble is, many of them are @ Westminster.No I don't see what you're saying about the rule book.My point was the rules have been changed/gerrymandered over the years to suit the incumbent Right. When the left changed them in 1981 , the Gang Of Four stalked off and founded the SDP so clearly it's always been a problem.CLP rule changes am aware take a year to go through - only hope is if they get the backing of the unions.
As for the NEC, well, I'm doing my best.

Chris Paul said...

The Lib Dems are all over the place. They can say whatever they like. Never tested.

The rule book has not been gerrymandered. It has been changed by the hegemonic part of the party from time to time. Left or right.

The rest of the party has gone along with the changes at the time - or those delegates at NEC and/or Conference.

How would you like the rules to be made?

How are the Unions going to be recruited to back the rule changes proposed by the CLGA? Or anyone else?

I am convinced that negotiation and rule changing through the NEC is the way to go.

Organised lobbying of NEC members from CLPs, PLP, TUs could possibly be a better scheme than running the gauntlet of conference.

There needs to be consultation and wide ownership of the proposed areas for rule changes and on the principles of those changes and the details must be negotiated.

Otherwise the changes can be rejected over the details. For example the percentage of HoC PLP members for a nomination with no vacancy and with a vacancy.

susan press said...

Will discuss with Pete Willsman and Christine Shawcroft......trouble is @ moment NEC similarly weighted by centrists. We can but try......

Chris Paul said...

We must win people over not try to roll them over. We should be able to get an NEC majority on various useful rule changes. They may not go as far as we'd like but journeys, single steps etc.