Green Poll: When Will Oil Run Out?
Hamer was pointed by Antonia at Green Derek's Rant. This gentleman is the male component in the "leadership" of a party in which "leadership" is a proscribed word.Mr Wall (right) has maxxed out on his St John's Wort remedy and written a stark, raving mad post on how Shelagh the 16-year-old anti-war protestor and LP member from round the corner and 83-year-old Walter from Richmond are in fact child murderers.
He is getting a well-deserved roasting in his comments section. Meanwhile his readership have voted overwhelmingly for the world's supply of oil to last for ever. This is a relief as I thought it would be all gone by late November this year. But a vote is a vote. This result will be binding on the world's resources.
It is a relief that the Green Party in Manchester, though ineffectual and in the case of their one councillor absent, are not involved in such sectarian and sub-Trot diatribes. I shall be keeping an eye on this site.
Here in Norwich, the place is swarming with Greens, they've got 10 seats on the city council to the Lib Dems 11 (one vote was all that separated the greens from becoming the main opposition) and our 15.
Needless to say that I'll have to be checking Derek's site more often for useful ammunition.
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