Monday, June 11, 2007

Tony Blair Apologises: ... to David Cameron, Bloggers and The Observer Miss the Story, Again

Tony Blair doesn't really do apologies. But Iain Dale is cock a hoop at the pile of utter doo doos in The Observer this week reporting that Blair (and Reid) are grovelling to apologise on behalf of Gordon Brown. Dale thinks this justifies his erroneous story of last week that Gordon bullied the lobby not to seek comments from the opposition on his un-news that he is going to be tough on the Terrorist Threat.

I cannot pretend to be too surprised at Blogger Dale. But I must say I think that The Observer have messed up here and missed the real story. Iain has almost inevitably followed suit. That'll be Spades probably as he digs himself deeper.

Ridiculissimus! as Harry Potter might say if confronted with a Boggart. Come on the lot of you! Dale, Blair, Reid, Cameron, Davis. All of you have every reason to want to rain on Gordon's parade. But this story is even more ridiculous than last week's "blogger as journalism expert" story.

The use of phone tap evidence in such cases has been in the ether and over the wires and in the water literally FOR YEARS.

Without Googling the history of that discussion my recollection is that Brown WAS in near the start but that Blair and Blair and Reid rained on his parade then too, trying to push 90 days internment against the grain.

This idea DOES NOT come from a recent cosy Blair-Cameron chat. It predates Cameron's rule and if Blair and Reid really are apologizing and briefing on this now it is because they are rather spiteful yesterday's men. THAT is the real story here.

Do you REALLY think this is a new idea from David Cameron Iain? Really? Sheesh. I was pretty amazed at this cack in the Observer to be quite honest.


Iain Dale said...

Another post where you make a fool of yourself. No one is saying it is a new idea. Neither me, nor The Observer. How do I know this is not a new idea? Because when I was working for David Davis is 2005 he was putting it forward to Blair and Clarke. It's taken them two years to see the light.

jailhouselawyer said...

On this basis, there really is no difference between Labour and Tory on policy so we may as well stick with the devil we know...

Chris Paul said...

Exactly Iain. You are not an idiot. And you know this is neither a new announcement nor some kind of insult or impediment to cross party concensus.

This is Brown baiting from both Tories and Blairites. As you say this was nailed in cross-party talks with Howard and Kennedy. Clarke crossed over in September 2006 I think it was. Ian Blair was for it from the beginning. MI5 also. In Netherlands they have done it since 1970.

Liberty and bloggers of all colours have backed this throughout. It is not new. it is not Cameron's idea. It's not a secret. Blair, Reid and Brown have no reason to apologise. It is a put up job.

Real story 1: It's Blairite's unable to resist a dig.
Real story 2: CIA are doing some of the more pertinent wire tapping and this is embarrassing, don't know why really.

Anonymous said...

I must say I agree with Chris Iain. He is not making a fool of himself, he's spot on. Last week you had some rubbish based only on a hunch and one informant from which you "did a Guido". You too have identified your source. You too have made a mistake which you are not acknowledging. In fact Guido put his hands up pretty quick.

This week there is no story. It's not Cameron's idea. Blair and Reid have their own agenda when they "apologise". Brown is innocent and more than a match for this nonsense.

Chris Paul said...

Probably September 2005 actually given Clarke's short stay in the job. This is 18 years old and patently NOT Cameron's idea.