By-Elections: Only 30 Minutes More Voting
In a couple of hours one of these plastered people will be MP for Ealing Southall. No such window displays in Sedgefield mind. Picture
In a couple of hours one of these plastered people will be MP for Ealing Southall. No such window displays in Sedgefield mind. Picture
Chris Paul
9:28 pm
Who ever wins we are sure they will do a better job in representing the constituents of Ealing Southall than Piara Khabra.
Gurjeet Singh
Sikh Federation (UK)
Looking at them I'd not be quite so confident as you seem to be on that one!
Well we can only hope !
By the way what are your views on Dr Harkirtan Singh from Manchester as a future Labour MP.
He came down for a few days to Southall to help Labour and was very well received on the streets and on radio
Gurjeet Singh
Sikh Federation (UK)
Gurjeet does not live in Ealing Southall and cannot possibly know either how well Khabra represented the area, or have any real feeling for how the current candidates would manage the job better.
Polls have now closed!
Did Gurjeet Singh send out the warnings about the suicide story this morning?
I don't think I have ever met Dr Harkitan Singh Raud. I'm guessing that he doesn't live in the City of Manchester, perhaps in Trafford or Tameside or the like and of course he works in Liverpool.
The competition for seats in Greater Manchester is very strong indeed with LOADS of people on the parliamentary panel or working at it.
My view is that the communalism is a cul de sac and that good BME candidates have the best and most straightforward chances in seats that are not seen as BME. We've seen the strife in Bethnal Gren and Bow, and now in Ealing Southall.
Having said that it is an uphill struggle. For everyone who has this calling.
But on CV alone Harkirtan looks promising. If you can tell me which area he lives in I'll try to find out more. The nearest Gurdwara to me is on Upper Chorlton Road near Brooks Bar.
But as I say there are few vacancies and a surplus of candidates elbowing for them.
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