Pickled Politics: Report Economist Skim of Study
Sunny at Pickled Politics found the chart below in The Economist.
I was a little puzzled at the chart and posted this comment:How big were these samples? (1) And were they structured in any way? (2) USA, France and Italy totally obviously would be like that. The rest of them also distributed as I’d expect.
Why are Irish roots (3) and central european Jewish roots (4) not treated? I’d guess the latter would be towards the top but wouldn’t be surprised if the Irish were huddling with the other hold-outs in the middle (5).
There was a really really LOL comment over at Dale’s where he stuck up for Catholics being allowed to be or to marry royalty. Or royals being allowed to marry Cats. Something like that anyway. The funny comment was that this move if led by Tories would help win urban Irish votes in Manchester and Liverpool. Hah hah hah. Let them try!
The Economist piece skims the surface of this three-page summary item in LSE's Centrepiece which in turn is a precis of this serious paper. Perhaps, with all this publicity there will be some comments now at the EOPP Blog where the study was tagged six weeks ago.
The answers to my questions were:
(1) Only ethnic/legacy groups with 100 or more in sample were plotted;
(2) Not found a particular sample structure yet. But there is a lot of detail in the full paper;
(3) They are, and indeed plotted (strange the journalists missed this! not);(4) There are faith based results in the tables including Jewish but no identified plot for this group;
(5) These LOL predictions were indeed correct. The Irish are low down (un-
British) despite plotting far right (long residency). Off the chart! Exactly why Iain's Tory vote grab comment was so hilarious to me.
No comments again on this blog Chris. Bet there are loads on Dale's site even though he's been laid up by his recent circumsion before he converts to Islam.
What a tosser you are! I've removed a couple of these hilarious comments. But this one is too marvellous to bin. You are my blogging hero.
"spotthewasteofspace said...
No comments again on this blog Chris. Bet there are loads on Dale's site even though he's been laid up by his recent circumsion before he converts to Islam."
Ha ha ha ha
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