Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Tory Meltdown: Guido Wields Double Edged Sword

Mr GuF has an exclusive, following a chat with the garralous ex-A-lister Ali Miraj. Mr Miraj (right) advanced his Conservative Home whine to Cameron and other clique-ists. They didn't like it. But he ran it anyway. And he is clearly deeply upset that while Sayeeda Warsi is lording it he is not. Plus he has sussed (doh!) that Conservative Associations in the ever diminshing field of winnables are not going to pick him. Plus GuF claims that Ali claims to have been propositioned to defect by Labour.

Let's hope Ali has sussed - along with the whole wide watching world - that Guido is not his friend; any more than either man is Dave-id's.

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