Art Car Parade: The Emperor's New Car
More pictures here. Above is one dubbed Tone Float - designed and performed by erstwhile IDEA-collaborators Spencer Marsden and Jon Large. Worthy overall winner on the popular vote. Pic: Binary Ape.
The slathering hounds and I declined many many offers of lifts as you can imagine and instead marched proudly in the parade as occupants and motive force of "The Emperor's New Car" tm - by far and away the greenest and cleanest car in the show. Many admiring glances. Several frustrated punters trying to vote for us. We were ghost entrants. Hounds proved very popular and photogenic (more anon) and also proved quite capable of taking part in such a procession without tears or tantrums.
We will therefore consider taking our car from conceptual art to actual object in time for Blackpool Illuminations Car Parade. 21 Oct. Mingle in pits from 4pm. Drive past from 7pm.
Hey CP
I trust that you will be doing a piece on religion of peace terrorist suspect convert Nicholas Roddis -just like did with Rob Cottage
Waiting in anticipation
Dear Shy Roger
Don't think I mentioned the religion of "Rob" Cottage. Just that he was a survivalist, BNP-related whacko.
Still I'll google old "Nick" ... have you put a post on your own blog at all? Can't see the link?
Yours aye
You talked complete rubbish about Rob Cottage, who was not a terrorist, was not charged with terrorism offences - and was merely "guilty" of making preparations to defend him own home
This is in complete contrast to your Muslim friends you apparently consider so hard done by in comparison, who were convicted of terrorist offences.
If you have featured Rob Cottage then you should feature religion of peace convert Roddis as well.
It raises interesting issues, like for instance why would an indigenous convert allegedly plot to blow up his home town after converting to the ROP?
One might say wait for the trial, but that was never a consideration with Cottage who was accused in the press, and on the net, of having "rocket launchers" - items which mystyeriously got lost during the course of the proceedings
BBC biased? Surely not!
Don't seem to mention the man's religion. Was he a baptised BNP-er?
Oh do fuck off Roger. Cottage was plotting to assassinate people. You daft BNP twat. Next you'll be telling us that other BNP-related bombers - including that Soho boy who manage to nailbomb some folk to death - were "nice kids who meant no harm".
Appears to be a retired footballer ... from Rotherham ...
"Anonymous said...
Oh do fuck off Roger. Cottage was plotting to assassinate people."
No he wasn't you imbecile - he wanted Blair and Prescott dead, but he had no practicable means of carrying this out. In any case he would have had to join the queue.
He was sentenced for having the materials for making thunderflashes(as in not real explosives), not plotting a campaign of assassination. Try to get the details at least vaguely right.
"No religion too said...
Don't seem to mention the man's religion. Was he a baptised BNP-er? "
There seems to be a bit of reluctance to go down this road by the BBC.
He is a convert to the religion of peace so therefore obviously he would not want to blow up his home town; does not compute in their tiny, shit-for-brains, liberal, politically correct world. So they don't mention it, leave it open, hope it's all going to go away
Oh dear Roger. Your man had 20-odd separate chemicals ... to make thunderflashes? Did the jury really believe that.
Or big bangers, crow scarers?? I'm told such things can be bought already made. I know they can be.
Kids use them to blow up phone boxes every autumn. Made in China if you cannot get WD.
What would you say if our friend Nick rolled that defence out in his case? Now there is a precedent??
Cottage got off incredibly lightly and dim-witted policemen were giving highly prejudicial interviews outside his house immediately following his arrest.
And, let's be honest here, the BBC carried out near radio-silence on the whole story for months on end.
Cottage rather like the dear old killer Farmer Martin has benefited from colossal prejudice.
A Muslim man in the same circumstances would have got at least 10 years and you know it.
They would probably have brought back hanging if a muslim householder had shot dead an incompetent, running away teenage burglar.
"Chris Paul said...
Oh dear Roger. Your man had 20-odd separate chemicals ... to make thunderflashes? Did the jury really believe that.
Or big bangers, crow scarers?? I'm told such things can be bought already made. I know they can be.
Kids use them to blow up phone boxes every autumn. Made in China if you cannot get WD.
What would you say if our friend Nick rolled that defence out in his case? Now there is a precedent??
Cottage got off incredibly lightly and dim-witted policemen were giving highly prejudicial interviews outside his house immediately following his arrest.
And, let's be honest here, the BBC carried out near radio-silence on the whole story for months on end.
Cottage rather like the dear old killer Farmer Martin has benefited from colossal prejudice.
A Muslim man in the same circumstances would have got at least 10 years and you know it.
09 September, 2007 13:08 "
Utterly crass response from you, CP.
It was the judge, on the basis of expert evidence who accepted that the "explosive" materials could only make thunderflashes. I have briefly analysed this travesty of justice earlier
"What nonsense about Rob Cottage on your blog. The State no doubt would have liked him to get 20 years to demonstrate "even-handedness" with Islamic terrorists. But the case was so feeble that was too shamefaced a course even for them.
1) As one of the arresting officers said, he isn't a terrorist, and that has been borne out by these proceedings.
2) It had been claimed that he had "rocket launchers" and the largest stash of explosive chemicals ever found in a domestic dwelling. The rocket launchers, which are merely empty tubes quite useless without the rocket and are the sort of thing people interested in militaria collect, slipped off the radar screen of course. Whatever happened to them? As for these "explosives" we are not talking HMTD, the kind of thing terrorists use - but at most material that could be used in thunderflashes. One expert witness said that these were "touch explosives", used in jump jacks. In other words hardly capable of doing anyone much harm.
3) When it was put to a jury on a charge of conspiracy to cause explosions, he was acquitted
4) Mrs Justice Swift admitted that the "explosives" were intended to make thunderflashes for "deterrent" purposes but claimed that his ideas were "over-valued". Really? Admiral West has said that Britain faces, thanks to mass immigration, a 15 year war against Islamic extremism. Here, given the increase in their numbers, there is of course no guarantee who is going to win, and, as is their wont -the elective dictatorship and its liberal hangers-on, have effectively co-opted the indigenous people of this country into this conflict. We are told that there are 200 terror cells and 2/3000 suspects. We are told that there may be chemical, biological, radiological attack. Muslims rioted quite extensively in 2001.
So therefore on what basis can it be claimed that Rob Cottage's ideas are "over-valued"? If he is indeed paranoid then who has made him so?
5) Mrs Justice Swift gave, as her view, the possibility that "innocent" people could have been harmed. Rob Cottage sought to defend himself and his property. If there was a screaming Muslim mob underneath his bedroom window trying to batter down his front door and he lobbed a thunderflash into the middle of them the chance of innocent suffering would have been exceedingly small.
6) In view of the threat level the state has admitted to maybe they would like to say when it is permissible to take a few "deterrent" measures in advance. Or is everything to be left to them, in which case it will probably be all just-too-late. Terribly sorry old chap!
7) Rob Cottage had a cross-bow, that's a far more lethal weapon than these ridiculous "explosives", but that's apparently ok.
8) This case was essentially a crock of shxt, and the state has fallen flat on its face."
As someone else said: "Oh do fuck off Roger"
What is crass about my response? Explain now you lazy fascist fucker. Send me an email. Please put "BNP SPAM" at the front of the subject line.
And do stop these tedious recreations of proceedings and rebuttals of things that have never been carried here.
Thunderflashes, crow scarers and big bad bangers can be bought over the counter. It is unbelievably crass to claim that one needs to have a DIY thunder flash factory to provide such.
It is clearly utterly wrong - let's say crass - for coppers to be pre-empting due process by briefing the press aka gossiping about whether this man was or was not a terrorist.
Cross bows, heavy duty militaria, huge range of chemical components, BNP literature etc etc. Sworn intention to kill PM and DPM. What is to like about this disturbed and dangerous individual?
I don't detect any answers whatsoever to the points about what would have happened to a muslim nut job rather than BNP nut job found with the exact same kit.
The police would not be standing on their drive telling journalists that they weren't a terrorist that's for sure.
And 2.5 years would be an unlikely sentence.
Comments on this matter - utterly off topic and very tedious - are now closed.
Tell us what you think about art cars or don't post comments here.
It's crass that you can't understand or won't accept the expert evidence given in court, you fucking lefty moron
"Under cross-examination by Alistair Webster QC, it emerged touch explosives could not injure and were mainly suitable for "schoolboy pranks".
"Touch explosive was the only substance for which all the ingredients were present at the house.
Ms Wilson conceded that seven of the chemicals found were either pointless or unnecessary for explosives, and one was a dietary supplement."
"Cross bows, heavy duty militaria, huge range of chemical components, BNP literature etc etc. Sworn intention to kill PM and DPM."
He was charged with the possession of the relatively harmless chemical components. What the fuck does "heavy duty militaria" mean? The BNP is a legal political party and so is its literature. The party does not advocate murderous wars of aggression against countries that have done us no harm, and in that context I would be delighted if Rob had slotted Blair/Prescott with crossbow bolts. However you cannot charge people on the basis of a mere wish with no practicable means of carrying it out.
"I don't detect any answers whatsoever to the points about what would have happened to a muslim nut job rather than BNP nut job found with the exact same kit."
This is an absurd statement because Rob Cottage was not a terrorist, as accepted by the Court and the police, and your Muzzie friends have been charged, and convicted, of terrorist offences. Crucial point here is that Muzzies operate in cells, they are not lone nut-jobs. They go to training camps in Pakistan, this is nothing like Rob Cottage, and only a truly deluded imbecile would fail to see or deny this.
"What is to like about this disturbed and dangerous individual?"
He has been driven under by the toxic cesspit created by alien immigration, he's probably a damn sight more likeable than that pair of bastards Blair and Brown.
"The police would not be standing on their drive telling journalists that they weren't a terrorist that's for sure."
Typical back-biting comment, the police officer's statement was not material, he is not a terrorist, the judge fully accepted that - unless one is to suppose the officer's statement influenced the judge in some untoward way.
"Tell us what you think about art cars "
Nobody cares. You should be grateful you get any response on anything.
I shall however be making other comments on your blog, unless of course you choose to censor me.
1. Cottage was and remains a dangerous "unofficial BNP" nutjob dreamer
2. He had murderous intent even if he was utterly incompetent
3. The fact some of the stuff was useless does not get us away from the fact that he was collecting ingredients for explosives
4. The BNP is riddled with incompetent nutjob dreamers as well as mistaken individuals who think it may be a serious party
5. You are a Class A prat and have here called for the killing of politicians you don't like. That is the reality of the BNP, worse even than the thugs in suits image you portray in public under yourr real names.
6. I will censor you if I choose to - it's my blog and what you write is illegal and inflamatory. Mostly I choose not to as you wild rantings make my case for me.
7. Yes or no:
If a muslim rather than BNP nutjob was found with the same kit:
(i) The police would have briefed immediately that he was not a terrorist and fucked up his trial
(ii) He could have made the same case and got a 15 months inside
(iii) He should have gone away (like they do) for 5 times as long
The facts are:
- we have an institutionally racist police force - as they admit;
- the judiciary are shown by objective figures to give longer sentences to non white convicts;
- the BNP are a disgusting organisation parading as a proper party;
- when BNP councillors get elected they are about as useful at councilloring as Mr Cottage is at survivalism;
- Timothy McVey had a similar "self preservation" agenda to Cottage;
- when you post crap here anonymously you are showing what cowardly wankers you and your party really are
None of what you have posted here is worthy of reply as you have responded to none of my substantive points.
I will merely observe that traitor scum like you are destined to die squealing like stuck pigs impaled on the army's bayonets. You are not worth a bullet. And I can't wait for it. You don't know history, prick , so you don't know what's coming.
[quote]I will merely observe that traitor scum like you are destined to die squealing like stuck pigs impaled on the army's bayonets. You are not worth a bullet. And I can't wait for it. You don't know history, prick , so you don't know what's coming[/quote]
Who ever said this is absolutely spot on. The left are cowardly dirt, I look forward to the day when they get theirs!
Nothing like a frank exchange of views, is there ? Still, as long as it's in the right spirit.
But be fair. If wanting to shoot Mr Blair and possessing the wherewithal to make explosives is a criminal offence, how come every arable farmer in the UK hasn't been arrested ?
By the way, the full list of deadly BNP chemicals was eventually revealed :
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