Sunday, September 30, 2007

Running Down the Right: Dale and Brivati's Right 100

Iain Dale and Brian Brivati have somethingly repeated the exercise they did on the Left One Hundred though the rules seem to have changed rather dramatically, AND they're spinning it out into four instalments.

HERE IT IS (76-100). The choosesome twosome have deliberately left out newspaper editors, proprietors and journalists. Though there were some in the Left list - for example Polly Toynbee at 21st.

Two council chiefs and a total of four councillors already?! Were there any at all in the Left list? Only Ken Livingstone who rather transcends Local Government as a tower of competence and clarity over the world's leading Capital City.

"Where is Jackie Collins? Where is Nick Griffin?" teases Mr Dale. Thankfully he does not go on to "out" another 200 or so who are not on the list of shame. That would be tedious.

Guido Fawkes is there in 85th. Surely Mr GuF's influence is either marginal or malign as people read his trumped up stories and effusive effluent commentariat and realise how right we are to keep the Right out of power, permanantly?

Questions on everyone's lips, once they have read this comment anyway, include these seven precepts:

1. Where will Dale himself be placed?* Given he got 160% more (or 60%) than his nearest rival in that blogger poll he organised.
2. Will Blair be Number One? And Brown in the top 10?
3. Will Dave-id Cameron even make the top ten? Will he in fact be on Tuesday (26-50) Even in the Monday club?
4. Where will Iain place erstwhile boss David Davis and Margaret Thatcher?
5. How shallow is this gene pool? Any more councillors?
6. Is Wednesday's list already written? Or will it be "live" and depend on the weeks events?
7. How many Orange Book Libdemologists will make the list?

SUPERMARKET SWEEP: If you'd like to join a sweep on the position Mr Dale will be adopting. Please don't hesitate to guess in comments. Whole numbers between 1 and 75 please.
* Or is he MSM journalist, completely excluded by the rules, rather than Top Tory Boy Blogger we know and love?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dale wil place himself 21st emulating Polly. Unless that is the pollification of the Tories is still on stream and she occupies the place herself. In which case he will be 22nd.

Definitely on the last day.