Tuesday, October 02, 2007

General Election Speculation: House of Love on June 2009

Back with Lib Dem Voice. They think Gordon will call the General Election tomorrow. It is still possible to win 80 pence per pound wagered on the Betting Exchanges on a General Election NOT taking place this year. This would be very generous indeed in the face of any genuine information on timing. It has come in from a little over 90 pence in 24 hours.

Comments at the normally astute Political Betting are also running either way, possibly on balance rather against a poll this year. But there are nearly 300 comments already and I've not been scientific in saying that.

MORE ON OSBORNE AND NON DOM: He's included visiting NHS workers e.g. nurses as well as fruit and cockle pickers in his calculation of the numbers of non doms. All ever so likely to put their hands up and say "right, the games up, here's my £25,000".

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