Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Pants to Poverty: Fair Trade Fashion, Chorlton, Links

The Pants to Poverty Fair Trade Fashion Show on Saturday was excellent. Click Gallery for some of the blicks.


Arkadash [ www.arkadash.co.uk ] Clothes & Accessories
People Tree [ www.peopletree.co.uk ] Clothes
Pants To Poverty [ www.pantstopoverty.com ] Pants To Poverty Pants
Just Trade [ www.justtrade.co.uk ]
Bishopston Trading [ www.bishopstontrading.co.uk ] Clothes
Blossom [ www.blossomflowers.co.uk ]
Traidcraft [ www.TraidcraftShop.co.uk ]
Oxfam [ www.oxfam.org.uk ]
Queen Bee [ www.queenbeeonline.co.uk ] Fair Trade Bags
Anushka Hair Styling [ ]
Barbakan Delicatessen [ www.barbakan-deli.co.uk ]
Unicorn Grocery [ www.unicorn-grocery.co.uk ]
The Co-operative Group [ www.co-operative.co.uk ]


lorenzo23 said...

And, I had you down as a sweatshop George clothing and a bottle of 2.99 shiraz from Liddl, bloke.

Good set of snaps in the Gallery, he did have an exclusive with a good camera.

Chris Paul said...

"Sweatshop George" clothing? Is that a Respect brand? Will they have that in the new Tesco metro?

I shop at Oxfam me Lorenzo, you know that. And you can't say fairer and more recycled than that.

Sadly, or on second thoughts gladly, they don't sell previously enjoyed Shiraz, Lidl or otherwise.