Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Liverpool Shenanigans: Charge Four's A Corker

4) Cllr Bradley has repeatedly and deliberately lied to the Council, public and press over his involvement in this sorry affair.

Cllr Bradley initially and repeatedly denied to David Bartlett, a Daily Post reporter that he had met Mr Forde. The reporter has a verbatim transcript of this telephone interview.

Cllr Bradley subsequently admitted the meeting had occurred when the Daily Post revealed they had a copy of his e-mail to Mr Forde initiating the meeting.

Cllr Bradley subsequently then denied that he had ever denied having met Mr Forde. The Daily Post have rejected Cllr Bradley’s version of events, which he repeated oublicly to the full council, both verbally and in writing.

Cllr Bradley then claimed in the press that he had informed the Chief Executive about the contents of the meeting with Mr Forde. Mr Hilton categorically and specifically refutes this claim in his letter to me.

Cllr Bradley claimed that he had first received a text message from Mr Forde requesting the meeting. Copies of Mr Forde’s itemised phone bill clearly show that Mr Forde only texted Councillor Bradley after receiving e-mails from Councillor Bradley setting up the meeting.

i) Councillor Bradley is in breach of Clause 3) (i) in that he has wrongly and publicly questioned the veracity of a journalist’s account of an interview. I will leave the Standards Board to make its own judgement about what this reveals about the character of the man.
ii) Councillor Bradley is in breach of 3) (c) (ii) in that he has attempted to intimidate the journalist concerned, a potential witness in this investigation, by refusing to speak to him in future and communicating only by email. Again, the Standards Board will make its own judgement about what this reveals about Councillor Bradley’s character.
iii) Councillor Bradley is breach of Clause 5 by wrongly denying that he had met Mr Forde.
iv) Councillor Bradley is in breach of Clause 5 by wrongly denying that he had denied meeting Mr Forde.
v) Councillor Bradley is in breach of Clause 5 by wrongly claiming he had informed the chief executive of the meeting.
vi) Councillor Bradley is in breach of Clause 5 by wrongly claiming that Mr Forde had instigated the meeting.

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