Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Devil's Kitchen: Says Mad Nad MP is a Corrupt Liar

It's too tough to explain how I happened to be over there, but I was. Devil's Kitchen - extreme Libertarian Swear Blogger (PG) - proves that that Nadine Dorries MP is a corrupt pro-misery fibber.

What's more (EXCLUSIVE) she did not live in a Council flat or wear cor blimey trousers from birth.

She's a lying reverse snob on that one. Council house?, came later Nads. And her deep humanity and care for family? Well, that, sadly, is bollocks too.

UPDATE Wed 12:00: Nadine reports of the personal harrassment she is receiving. That is as unacceptable as the harrassment received by her opponents FROM her allies. If that is it is even true.

The one in a million "story" of Samuel who is a healthy five-year-old after delivery at a nominal 21 weeks is rehearsed. That is NOT an argument for closing off legal abortions between 20 and 24 weeks for those - very few in number - who need or choose this. Especially not when it's a complete hoax.

UPDATES: More links to Dorries Debunking here and here.


Devil's Kitchen said...

I must say that I was surprised to see you over at The Kitchen. But -- hey! -- it's good to see that the hatred and contempt that we have for Mad Nad crosses party boundaries, eh?


Chris Paul said...

I feel dirty DK. But yes Nads is a Bad 'un. Someone please tell Iain.

Ted Foan said...

Another ad hominem attack, Chris?

(Is the Latin correct as applied to a female? I'm sure you'll tell us.)

Devil's Kitchen said...

It's probably ad feminam...


Letters From A Tory said...

I don't think you or anyone else is in a position to question her commitment to 'family', unless of course you've known her for years and have spent a considerable amount of time with her?

Sadie Smith said...

By the way, are you quoting from "My Old Man's A Dustman" Chris?

Why yes, I am a loser.

Chris Paul said...

Indeed-ee Sadie, me too! Think that takes the edge of the personal attack don't you?

Chris Paul said...

Letters from a Tory: Or to have some useful close at hand witnesses in her historic Liverpool homes, in her family life(s) and/or to her subsequent career would perhaps do it? Don't you think? The requirement to be a personal witness is hardly reasonable now is it?

Official documents down the years such as birth certificates, censuses, electoral rolls, tenancy lists are also probably of some value to truthers seeking enlightenment on the "born in a council flat" nonsense. Don't you think?

Her science fiction is bad enough but she tells fibs quite a lot of the time as it goes. However did she get to be a PPC and MP? Why is she held in such high esteem by certain Tories?? Dorries = deluded.

Ted Foan said...

"It's probably ad feminam..."

Thank you venerable Mr DK. I knew you would know. The benefits of a public school education, I guess.

Why are you reading CP's stuff? No sane person would do that. Whoops....

Chris Paul said...

Whoops, there goes Diablo's rep for sanity ...