Monday, November 17, 2008

Peel Holdings NO Campaign: Simpson Hits Buffers

Apparently a year or so Peel Holdings and Media City CEO Andrew Simpson was "pick of the Aunties" sorry Antis in a Greening debate at Urbis. Seen above in the background as Richard Leese explains how it is in the real world for real people. Many of whom do not have cars or already use passenger transport, cycle, walk, or share.

Now sadly the so bright Simpson has hit the energy buffers and announced that he has bailed out of debate after debate. Including this Friday's BBC Radio Debate, and next Wednesday's Manchester Evening News debate too. Doesn't seem like the right time for a retreat Mr Simpson.

Let's hope it was not the mean heckler at Parrs Wood challenging Simpson's fibs and avoidance last Thursday? Nasty mean heckler! Simpo's not used to it. He's used to getting his own way, fibs and all. Will anyone believe Peel again?

UPDATE SOON: John Leech MP is still negotiating extra options for that ballot paper ...

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