Thursday, January 08, 2009

Iain Dale: Dreaming of Knicker Gripping tm Reshuffles

Iain Dale is inaccurately passing on details of Captain Clogg's shifty shuffle. And asserting that but not explaining why Lynne Featherstone should be immediately prominentised.

Ditto the Gypsy-hating Nadine Dorries I suppose? As he's also teasing about a Cameron Reshuffle post to follow. Presumably this is a a Dale/Dorries fantasy rather than a real re-shuffle? Cameron wouldn't even stop his work shy part timers having all-consuming day jobs. He's hardly going to sack any goose he won't say boo to.

Though Caroline Spelman had better watch out. Mr GuF of the Integrity Defence Force is determined to protect the ethical probity of his beloved Conservatives.

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