Loyal Labour Members Ask: What Now For Regeneration?
The Fabian Society provides one of a number of under-pinning institutions of the Labour Party that is not mired in in-fighting and personality politics.
It's all about IDEAS and POLICIES and PROGRESS and moral COMPASS. As Sunder Katwala said the Labour Party doesn't need a Red Guido.
I'd add that it might be entertaining if there was a Red Guido. Very entertaining perhaps. Blue (in every sense) Guido will change sides to some extent if Cameron wins power. But an alternative to Guido categorically cannot be of the party, attached to the party even arms length, spawned by the party. It cannot be parachuted in like a Blairite or Brownie candidate. Such a thing needs to be of the left or centre left, but cannot be of the Labour party.Anyways, our Greater Manchester Fabians have come up with their most ambitious event to date. What Now For Regeneration.
On Thursday 30th April 2009, Greater Manchester Fabian Society presents a special debate: 'What now for regeneration?' at the Mechanics Institute, 103 Princess Street, Manchester, M1 6DD. The event will start at 7.30pm.
Very strong panel I'd say. Which brings me to ... Two downsides. All the panel and the chairman too are boys. Bob the builder! And a £5 fee is to be levied to "pay for the room". Couldn't Unite divert a couple of hundred pounds from Draper's Folly to fund the room and some scran? Or another more united Union? Or perhaps Tesco? And couldn't one or two of the panel stand and let a lady or two have their seat? Carole Ainscough of Artisan H perhaps? Claire Nangle? Kath Robinson?
CURSES: Sunder at the Fabian Society has just called me "Cogent". Please don't think this was a planned love in. His "Next Left" manifesto for the Labour Blogosphere - official and independent - is most excellent.
Which brings me to ... Two downsides. All the panel and the chairman too are boys. Bob the builder! And a £5 fee is to be levied to "pay for the room". Couldn't Unite divert a couple of hundred pounds from Draper's Folly to fund the room and some scran?Clearly they aren't part of the inner cabal. If they were, they'd have all they want.
You think?
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