Friday, June 19, 2009

BBC Newsnight Review: I'm Liking the Themed Editions

Tonight Newsnight Review was themed on about-migrant/displaced art. i-Player HERE. Some films, fiction and non-fiction; some books, fiction and non-fiction; and a play, based Aardman-esquely on verbatim witness of at once trivial yet deadly serious displacement. Good discussion actually. Marina (A Short History of Tractors in Ukrainian) was on.

First time I've even seen her, even from afar, though I've broken bread with her husband. He was summoned to meet me, by a Bishop and a trade union Baron, as I was a "... Tractors ..." fan. A good guy, and referenced as a source for novel two.

In fact I've a small bone to pick with her about her difficult second novel "Two Caravans". Recommended though. Close to excellent. But there is one of the characters whose "voice" worries me. And I don't mean DOG.

Will come back to some of this. Perhaps. "More anon" is a thing of the past.

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