Labour Home: Suggesting Purnell May Be First To Go Blue
John Frost of Chartist is suggesting a sweep on which Blairy plotters will cross the floor. Purnell is boosted. Seems a bit unlikely to me. But you never know.
John Frost of Chartist is suggesting a sweep on which Blairy plotters will cross the floor. Purnell is boosted. Seems a bit unlikely to me. But you never know.
Chris Paul
10:30 pm
Unlikely? Everyone I know in the party has been assuming Purnell would close the floor for two years.
cross the floor, even
Does this, from Purnell's resignation letter, not make it extremely unwise for him to cross the floor?
"I now believe your continued leadership makes a Conservative victory more, not less likely. That would be disastrous for our country."
Indeed. JP has just been posing outside his "stunt main home" in Tameside and hoping he was "pro-ven wrong" and that GB leads LP to victory in the next GE.
I don't think he will cross the floor in the foreseeable future if ever. He's got off lightly so far on expenses I'd say though I doubt he's done anything outwith the rules. GB might bring him back in the autumn or early next year.
Hmm. If he doesn't cross the floor to the Tories, I reckon he'll do a David Owen. With Hazel as his Shirley.
I think I am quite a lot to the left of Tom Harris, but by the time he spoke the nul-coup was all over, so there is a certain degree of bravery in that he said what he did.
I reckon Harris has already concluded that he isn't ever going to have a frontbench career, so he's trying to carve out a place as a backbench gadfly - the new Woodrow Wyatt or Frank Field.
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