Tory Lord Taylor of WarwickEaling: Worse Than Rennard & Dorries?
If nothing else news that Lord Taylor of Warwick (criminal's own website) is in fact a very naughty boy and strictly speaking "of Ealing" should keep him from smarming around so disgracefully on the BBC News Channel paper reviews. There have been times when his nudge nudge "I'd give her one" (well perhaps not quite that) kind of sexist gaiety has not only been extremely embarrassing for BBC presenters but also almost literally sick making. Good job Honest John has lots of missionary positions or we'd think the worst.
In essence this toerag appears to have been caught in a great web of deceit. Using a mother (Enid or Madge?) who died in 2001, and her home, sold in 2001, as "main home" cover for years and years of House of Lords subsistence claims at £174 per night, tax free. Worse even than Rennard. Worse than Dorries.
Weasel words on this continued it seems until 2007. The man plied his trade as a barrister "in the Midlands" - er, no, not quite true, unless he's been plying this trade without the knowledge of the Bar Council, since 1993 when they spotting him bar-weaseling his last. And he's done bit of Assistant District Judging, though again not in the Midlands, and again not recently.
"Honest John" has in fact lived in Ealing pretty much all along, presumably not far from some of the Ann and AndrewAlan Keen homes in that part of town (ish, thanks Sadie!), to which I'll return, though he's in a presumably seedy bachelor pad. His long suffering wife and family kicked him out in 2004. What else has he been doing then? Over to the Times:He held two high-profile roles: as vice-president of the British Board of Film Classification in London and chancellor of Bournemouth University. At the same time he ran his Ealing-based public relations company and was chairman of a Surrey recruitment firm ...
Yesterday a close family member said Taylor had not had a home outside London since he moved to Ealing in 1995. Another relative described claims he had lived with his mother after entering the Lords as “fairy stories”.
Just imagine the banter at the BBFC when the noble Lord was reviewing some XXXX material. "Phwoar!" But what of right now? Lord TOE seems to be nothing but a full time Con man and part time BBC paper reviewer and dirty leerer who perhaps tried a bit too hard at that. His wiki is a stub. Not much of substance. A stub. A stubbed TOE?
POSTSCRIPT: Back in 2001 the BBC reported on his various rows with the backswoodsmen of the Tory Party. Even tangling with William Hague. Perhaps Vague could consider removing Taylor along with Archer and Ashcroft? The latter famously failing to honour his promise to pay tax in the UK. Making liars of both Hague and of Cameron himself.Hat tip: Donal Blaney who may be so gleeful as the WLF (Warwick Leadership Foundation) and other business interest in PR and the Law may be a rival to his own nonsense. Not least his YBF (Young Britons Foundation), training the activists of tomorrow. Mostly towards drunken and foul-mouthed disgrace as it goes.
Meanwhile Lord TOE uses his quote of the day to claim that his conscience is clear. Pssshaw!
Ann and ALAN Keen. And they live in Brentford (my old branch) not Ealing which is in a different borough.
Like Liverpool and Manchester, Chris - tsk, tsk!
Andrew, Alan ... it's got a frontal A ain't it? Eh? And yes, Ealing is more than 100 metres away, is true. And what's more none of their other three alleged London properties, ignoring the Waterloo pad natch, are in Ealing either. More anon.
There was a poorly photoshopped picture of a robed Taylor outside the pad in the Sunday Times. Can't find it online but it looked like this
Not sure it's the same one but up for grabs now and weirdly in the road I lived in before going to university
So, that's the bachelor pad? Or the former family home? And I wonder if it is actually his place that's up for sale now? Now the HoL attendance money has hit the dust.
Would also be very interesting to see whether he was just "doing a Rennard" and clocking in on the way to other activities rather than actually taking part in proceedings. £70,000 is around 420 attendances. I wonder how many times he squeaked?
But anyway if it's his own place it's not quite the shabby bachelor pad I had conjured up.
PS You haven't got a stock of estate agent pictures for all the Keen dwellings? Fancy doing some crowd sourcing on who lives in each one of them. Have either of them announced their retirement yet?
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