Keep Your Hair On: Touch Up Row as Rowen Knocks Spots Off Rival
We are of course referring to the controversy over the airbrushing and touching up of pictures of politicians. LOL got into mechanical schtuck over implying that a certain picture - paid for by the taxpayer we believe - had been retouched. This was in the course of a story about how Rowen's Lib Dems ruining Rochdale Council had collectively failed to vote to save kids by reducing speed limits.
The picture certainly looked as if it had digitally manipulated. A turd had been polished. Or at least rolled in a little glitter. Eyes were shiny, tales were bushy, red-eye appeared deliberate, but ruddy and crinkled of complexion was out the door for fashionably pale.
The overall effect was of a wrong 'un - "a muppet dressed as glam". Ruddy complexion victim PR Paul Rowen had apparently used taxpayers' money to create a shiny picture. All lit up. And looking, well, airbrushed or retouched or digitally manipulated.
Fair enough. Why wouldn't a warty frog in the public eye want to look his handsome prince best? Except if it went too far it wouldn't really be authentic. But there's Lib Dems for you.
Trouble was PR Paul Rowen MP - who has been fussing over the dishonest and misleading and politically plain wrong airbrushing and retouching practices of the fashion/PR industry was as sore as raging acne to be found out as a preening hypocrite. Over to PR Paul:
Anyway, that's the official line. But this inveterate organ grinder, or his then head monkey Dave Hennigan, or their paid and owned under-monkey Malcolm Porn-O, organised a "take down" by which our post including an apparently publically funded PR shot of a supposedly accountable MP was taken down - by Blogger - for carrying that very picture. Because the complainer claimed image was supposedly copyrighted.
The way it works is a blogger can then choose whether to appeal the decision - which is mechanical, they complain it gets taken down without proof - or simply remove the offensive material. In this case smug PR Paul Rowen MP's smug visage.
Since then PR Paul Rowen MP's apparent waste of taxpayer's money - he is well into his second million pounds of salary and claims - and his alleged hypocrisy somehow came to the attention of Mirror sleuth Kevin Maguire, a LOL reader.
And in response PR Paul has shown that even without the embarrassing sacked and cracked smearologist Dave Hennigan he is capable of idiocy. Rochdale row just too ridiculous was the headline:After Lib MP Paul Rowen threatened to sue Lab rival Simon Danczuk for calling him “bananas”, we now have Glamour-Gate.
Danczuk claims an online photo of the rival frontbencher was airbrushed to smooth his appeal.
That would, if true, be naughty because the MP’s condemned glossy mags for touching up models’ photos.
But Rowen, 54, denies a makeover and is affronted: “I’m a northern lad and what you see is what you get.”
Rowen also released a rebutting press release. This variously claimed that his Labour rival Simon Danczuk - already ahead on name recognition and perceived getting things done - had issued a press release. That was completely untrue. Some might say yet another Lib Dem lie. More importantly PR Paul stated categorically that the picture was copyright to Porn-O's organ Rochdale Online.
An assertion that the latter - though paid by the taxpayer as part of PR Paul's PR effort - rather derailed by taking that bit out of their own story. So was it true or not? The picture certainly did not carry the usual RO copyright notice. LOL believe that although it was taken by Porn-O at his Porn-cave in Castleton this was a taxpayer funded shot for free uncredited use.
Finally and perhaps most alarmingly of all, given the likely scrutiny for his claims, PR Paul Rowen categorically denied that there had been any digital manipulation from digital organ tsar Malcolm Porn-O. Even the most basic test of this assertion - a simple enlargement plus inspection with naked eye - prove this claim, like so many emanating from the Rochdale Lib Dems Drake Street gang HQ, to be 100% untrue.
Clearly the picture LOL have sliced and diced for this post cannot be the completely un- digitally manipulated one that Paul Rowen has been referring to in his frankly stupid rebuttal of the turd polishing claims. Rochdale Libdemology. What you see AIN'T what you get. Last word to Simon Danczuk, Labour's Prospective MP for Rochdale, speaking to Maguire who thinks they should be selling tickets for the spatathon:
“The old picture of Paul Rowen does a great job of keeping my youngest child away from the fireplace.”
Here's one Rowen posed for earlier. Before he piled on the Cyril Smith-esque poundage. Hat tip: UK Gay News. Actually the hair looks woolly even with the naked eye. But the complexion is disarmingly authentic. Before the man's million pounds spree on the tax. Including salaries, mortgage, party political screws and general allowances.
just to halt any innuendo, let it be known that Paul Rowen was quoted in a Gay News article about his stand on defending a series of BBC Manchester radio programmes- in particular the programme that refelcted Manchester's Irish heritage. Paul Rowen made no direct defence of the Gay Hour.
Just putting the record straight - not trying to make a point one way or the other.
The words "glitter" "glam" and "rowen" all in one post?
ps - the image is manipulated to hell. Is that how it was published for Paul Rowen? If so he has got some explaining to do.
The UK Gay News link was where I found a scabby but happy picture of Rowen before his "strengthening diet" and his retouching. But he defended all three threatened stations I think:
“I am concerned that these shows are under threat,” said Paul Rowen. “GMR has done a great job for many years catering for community and specialist shows in the Greater Manchester area.
“If we lose these three shows then I fear that GMR will lose part of it’s identity. They claim that they will incorporate the three shows into their normal schedule under the name Citizen Manchester. I believe this sends out the wrong message to the people of Greater Manchester and that this looks like happening at the BBC is worrying.”
Which I think is in his favour. Though his press releases concentrated on the Parlour IIRC.
Malcolm Porn-o has been busy this weekend touching up the camel toes on the photos he snapped for his "Miss Rochdale" contest.
The sufferage movement, Germain Greer, sexual liberation and gender equality all out of the window with Porn Again Malcolm. Young Women must be judged by wearing swimsuits on a cold November Friday night.
MJX Photography and Rochdale Online - just the sort of business Rochdale Council should be advertising its services on...including schools?
The only thing LOL have done to the picture is enlarged it and sliced it in four. It didn't need any great effort to see the scatching and scrapings. But the thing looked wrong from the get go.
We have not in any way enhanced all the jiggery pokery which you can see by clicking on each segment. Or changed any mode or balance.
And we certainly wouldn't know how to make his hair look like it is made of wool in either of the two pictures. That's wild that is.
PM Irony With Hooters ... RMBC shouldn't have anything to do with Porn-O and PR Paul Rowen certainly shuld not be giving his operation money to produce his PCA website.
Apart from the conflict of interest inherent in that Porn-O is just beyond the pale.
Journeaux is a filthy auld bastard. The saucy knicker people complained at a recent event that he had some young girl ministering to his wilting organ in plain view. Though through his clothes. And he is a useless thieving journo and an inept digital manipulator. Perhaps that's why he needs to bring along the latest office girl to digitally manipulate for him?
Sorry, that was ahem below the belt.
Below the belt is OK for a man PR Paul Rowen pays with our money and who goes on attack PR's political enemies.
the wooly look could be a throwback to the 80's.
It was acceptable in the 80s.
Has 80's throwback Greg Couzens been tugging on Paul's forelock to give it that special look?
What would really suit Paul is a mullet or a nice tight perm with highlights.
The longer this pair are in the salon, the less damage they can do to Rochdale.
Looks like the dirty fibbing bastard is wearing the exact same wool over eyes wig to me. What would he look like unwigged?
What's really funny about this episode is that Rowen has written about it in his weekly email bulletin to any poor bugger who Adam Power manages to get hold of their email address.
Expressing all the self-righteous indignation he can muster, hopeless Rowen rails at Danczuk for daring to question his integrity over something as shallow as this.
What Rowen doesn't realise is that he's the only person in Rochdale who sees himself as some sort of elder statesman oozing with gravitas. Everyone else sees him as a shallow muppet oozing with slime.
John Hayworth is very loyal too.
He is spending a lot of time with nonse nce but right on message for Paul Rowen stirring things up with those who were expelled from Rochdale CLP.
Is the taxpayer footing the bill for this Lib Dem propaganda?
John Heyworth is employed by Paul Rowen to write his leaflets.
He also has a conviction for groping an under age girl.
that's unfair. I though his touching up of the miner was consentual.
But does the confirmed criminal activity with a 15 year old mean that he is on the sex offenders register?
Would be Machiavelli and Heywood activist John Heyworth needs a bit more practice.
By stirring up the Labour rebels in Rochdale they have have now decamped to support Jim Dobbin in Heywood and Middleton. Bet ex-Green ex-Tory and now Lib Dem candidate Wera von Reden Hobhouse is grateful.
a smarter move than you think.
at first airbrushed blush you would thibnk that Jim Dobbin et al would welcome help on the knocker from the Rochdale Comrades.
But think about it.
Will they actually turn up or spend most of the time moaning into their beer in the pub?
Plus does Jim really want some of the more odder odd balls helping out? Could they be a liability? Could they soon fall out with "close to the wind" Robin Parker. Does Neil Emmott really get on 100% with the comrades?
What does Richard Farnell think of all of this? He blushes at his old Militant antics and has tried to airbrush history himself so that his "non-political" role as a PR guru at Lib Dem Liverpool City Council keeps the wolf from the door.
Dick has been pleading with the Rochdale comrades to play down their "socialist stance" and has encouraged them to protray a loyal image -ie say they are campaigning in other areas for Labour.
This is a replay of the 2005 general election when the likes of Tommy Stott canvassed for David Chaytor rather than Lorna Fitzsimons. They then bleated about a "whitchunt" from Region back then. Some things don't change.
Vicious blinkered fools who enjoy the buzz of whispering libellous slurs and bar room bullying.
Sad muppets
"All sorts has gone on in the nasal and sub nasal area"
Chris - are you talking about PR Paul or DJ Hennigan?
with the "light touch" of regulation regarding cash investment in Rochdale.
and the "light touch" of local strutiny on issues of "touching up" allegation in Rochdale...
should I go to live in Rochdale?
Or perhaps open some of mud wrestling business at Kingsway?
Rochdale could do with a touch of glitter. Its not as though they get asked first about what they want anyway.
Would Cyril vouch for me?
Those foreigners who made lurid allegations about me didn't have to spend time with me in Thailand and Vietnam - they could have left? They didn't have to 'work' for me. They got paid well. What is all the fuss about?
no Mr Glitter,
don't go to Rochdale.
go to Heywood instead.
That is where the real deviants seem to end up.
as Cyril Smith's reactionary mate Bernard Mannings might have said about Paul Rowen's cheeky face...
more chins than the Hong Kong phonebook
Is it Hayworth or Heyworth?
When was the criminal conviction? Did it make the papers?
It is Heyworth. And to put the record straight he actually got 2 convictions.
1st one - groping a 15 years old girl - early 1993 - Bolton Crown Court. Yes it was in the papers.
2nd one - stealing money from accounts and putting it in his own while working at a building society in Rochdale - late 1996 - also made the papers.
Check back copies of the Rochdale Observer.
If this is true then it could be fair to call some Rochdale Lib Dems "corrupt thieving deviant perverts with criminal records".
Not all but some.
Suffering from emabarrassing piles?
Piles of Parliamentary cash that is starting to cause a nervous rash?
Sleepless nights? Conscience bothering you?
Bowel Trouble? Worried that you could get caught short out in public?
Fishy smell that you are struggling to hide? Struggling to properly discharge...your duties?
Losing confidence? Becoming vervous? Losing faith in those you once trusted to keep quiet?
Don't worry.
Have a banana and another bottle of wine. Doctor knows best.
Poor Adam Power is still getting the hang of his new job and extra salary acting as Paul Rowen's "agent"
Pisspoor Paul has news on his website about his "promotion" in the Kashmir All-Party Parliamentary committee.
Is Pauk taking a leaf out of Charles Edward Lord's crib sheet to join everything, get appointed in some way with these various committees then shamlessly self-promote.
Thing is, Adam starts by desribing Paul's "promotion" to the post of secretary but then quotes Paul as having a role of Chair.
Either way, as Chair or Secretary, Paul needs to pull his finger out as the committee's website hasn't been updated since 2007 - at a time when Paul Rowen was nowhere to be seen in this organisation.
With Dave done the exclamation marks are piling up in the wheely bin round the back of Rochdale Fib Dem HQ. (the bins next to the discarded shringes and jonnies- not knowingly thrown away by visiting Lib Dems)
exclamation marks and colons don't mix!!!!!!!!!!!!
If the rumour here and elsewhere are correct then-
1. Is John Heyworth considering standing for office?
2. IF he has serious past criminal convictions (disonesty and sex offences)then COULD he legally stand?
I think that his convictions are now classed as "spent",as they were in the 1990's, but I could be wrong. Therefore, I think it is possible for him to stand.
However, if he does stand, one hopes that the other political parties in Rochdale will not be slow in coming forward to remind the electorate of his past.
Rochdale - for years the ideal home for the political rehabilition of Sex Offenders.
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