Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Yes We KHAN: Maryam Khan For Bury North

Another excellent use of YouTube in the current campaign.

The people of Bury North - in Bury, Ramsbottom and Tottington - are falling for Maryam Khan and, having sampled a pretty lousy Tory council, will surely NOT return the Tory candidate. In 2005 a BNP candidate, based in Tottington and largely exploiting abject Tory economic and political neglect of working people, was the greatest beneficiary from the national swing against Labour. The dynamic of a young, articulate, competent, equality-driven professional and well-organised candidate offering a new broom against the BNP and Tories is fascinating.

Tories who in Bury include some of the greatest neanderthals known to modern politics - step forward former Manchester right wing-nut John Kershaw. A very nasty piece of work whose predatory attempts to annex the Carlton Club in Manchester's Whalley Range - a trick he had apparently pulled with various Conservative Clubs - was seen off by a rainbow alliance of Lib Dems, Labour, Greens, trots and indeed one or two Kershaw-loathing conservatives.

If you wish to see Tory supporters in action please read the comments about Maryam Khan (starting from 31) and elsewise on Paul Staines' Guido Fawkes Mister GuFf blog post featuring the boy Clegg's Magical Mystery Tour, with a suspected copyright infringement on one of the finest moments of a little known beat combo from Liverpool.

Also below without the Tory-supporting comment loveliness:

FOR THE AVOIDANCE OF DOUBT: I'm Labour. This blog is satirical, irreverent and in a strictly personal capacity. Ditto my tweets.


Rochdale Rapper said...

Is there an old archived photo of Cyril Smith taking up 2 seats on a coach (with Jezzer Thorpe looking disgusted at a Chief Whip who had had a firm grip on young lad's bollocks rather than Liberal party policies?)

benchilltory said...

shes no chance ,
Had Mr foot lived a bit longer he would have lost the label as Labours worst leader.
The modern Labour party has lost all of its principles, its only reason for existence, and the only thing that binds it, is to have political power. once it loses this, it will implode