Thursday, February 08, 2007

Libdemology: Lib Dem MEPs Waste £25,000 on Racey Fantasy Comic

Quite hilarious that Lib Dem MEPs have produced 40,000 copies of a comic book personifying themselves and their struggle against corruption in world trade (or something) with a scantily clad "Jane Bond" type taking on and defeating nefarious Chinese generals.

As Kerron Cross reports:
It seems when the Lib Dems aren't supporting the BNP, or sending their staff on courses on how to make misleading bar charts, they are fantasising about themselves as a busty comic book heroine.


Anonymous said...

Are they trying to get someone called "Tony" out of the closet?

Anonymous said...

And are they trying to cosy up to my totally legitimate and loveable party the BNP? By attacking the Chinese rather than say Halliburton on their tilt against corruption. Or perhaps their own donor Michael Brown - a convicted criminal just like myself and hundreds of my henchmen.