Saturday, March 17, 2007

Big Blogger Stats: A Public Service Announcement

The public sitemeter stats on here for the moment - the little rainbow button at the bottom of every page - which anyone can look at give only bare stats at the first click but actually show quite a lot more for knowing clickers.

Your blogger may well remove this meter at any time so if you want to have a root around, now is a good time. Because of when it was installed it only has a week or two of information.

These are supplemented by private tracksy stats. Thanks very much to Adele's Crazy World for advice on that.

Tracksy shows me every IP address of visitors and posters - you know Lib Dem office in Mcr, Lib Dem members' secretariat in the Town Hall, Lib Dem office in parliament, Lib Dems in Oldham (Hi David), some journo in Cheetham, some hack in Chorlton Park, some accountants' party arranger in M1 etc.

Thomas Graham at Leech-watch has a similar facility so he often knows that "used to be a Labour voter troll" in in fact a Leech parliamentary researcher in W1!

Presumably the SMR and MEN have similar facilities so that they will know that the pro-Frank comments on their Shameless story are all coming from Gawsworth Avenue, from Paul Abbot's office on Canal Street or off the Chatsworth. Which is speculation from me as I ain't really a hacker. Any offers?

Like a visitors book or a compulsory iD card system. Outrageous. I know. Also can discover what other blogs or search engines people are arriving from, their route through the site, and where they head off to. LoL is NOT offering "cookies" to visitors as many commercial sites do. No plans to introduce that.

But those living a split personality or a shredded multiple personality should know that your various comments, including under your own name in some cases, can be linked by your "Big Blogger" and while sitemeter is publically available also other candidates' teams.

By the way the number of "page impressions" per visit is now averaging about three which means that the average visitor is coming to the blog - where they can browse say the 20 or 30 most recent stories without clicking anything - and then clicking on one or two stories to comment or follow an internal link.

It had been at five for a while. Boosted by web-bots and other shady visitors looking at 100 and more pages.

Analysis of the "Shameless Distorter" Effect will follow when I get the time. Actually until it hits the News of the World tomorrow (joke!) there hasn't been a huge step change in traffic. This rather proves the point that the Lib Dems are in fact the ones slagging off Chorlton Park by their SMR expose. They could and should have let sleeping dogs lie.


Chris Paul said...

The 'starting count' has been altered down to 7891 which is an estimate based on the page views which was the 19891 given before. The actual stats start date for the current stats was 7 March 2007 but there is a bug and this will not adjust at the moment. 7891 may also be an overestimate if views were at the five per visit level. In which case it would be about 4000 in about 10 weeks.

Chris Paul said...

Is that Peter Wheeler modelling for the Big Blogger poster? Or John Hacking? I think we should be told.

lorenzo23 said...

Fascinating. I'm British Telecom
Macintosh MacOSX
Browser Firefox 2.0
Javascript version 1.5
Monitor Resolution : 1024 x 768
Color Depth : 32 bits
54 degrees North, wearing glasses and have just picked my nose.

Anonymous said...

it's john hacking

Chris Paul said...

Its surely Wheeler in post contact lens phase ...

Anonymous said...

By releasing this information you are grassing up everyone who has had an illicit look at your blog while at work.
Another victory for the bosses.
Very well done.

Praguetory said...

You're rather rude to your guests. Just a personal view. Won't be back.

Chris Paul said...

Bye bye Prague Tory ... we will learn to live without you.

Anonymous 14:42. I'm not sure I can help you really. Except by removing the public stats. Are you proposing that? I am thinking of doing that anyway. As included in the post.

But I thought it would be educational for readers to know what stats all websites and all blogs can access. Might possibly keep the trolls down.

Manchester University Labour Club said...

So will you be exposing people who are posting under loads of different names and are clearly just one person from one campaign team.

Chris Paul said...

Hi Adele, welcome back. I have actually taken the public stats offline for now. Miles (anonymously) goaded me about getting people sacked for blogging in work time. But it is indeed possible to tell - to some extent - when certain people are using multiple identities. However I can mostly tell anyway by imaging the way people talk, or write in their own names. Can often "hear" who it is. The exception are some clever sods who impersonate - including using other people's name and including copying syntactical tics. Best w Chris P

Anonymous said...

It is the lurkers from Lib Dem offices in W1 that are the ones to catch.

Anonymous said...

Hang on Adele. There really are several bloggers for Nargis and several bloggers for Jenny. And there's some grumpy chap blogging for Lucy.

Manchester University Labour Club said...

I'd be interested to know who 'not Hezbollah either' is as they made an attack on the organisation that I represent.

Manchester University Labour Club said...

Oh and it is clear that there is one person posting under several psuedo names. Why don't people just say who they are

Chris Paul said...

Adele: Who did Not Hezbollah Either "attack" and in the context of a satirical blog was this "attack" based on real life (which it needn't be on here!) or some vicious scumbag motives?

Weren't people like me who march with StWC from time to time (despite reservations) being villified by you and yours? Who started all this anyway?

(No need to go back to Biblical times, the era of Imperial decay should do it)

How is the three-way coalition with Tories and Lib Dems to fight the I-soc and Trots in the SU getting along anyway?

In short mate I really do think that you're worrying about the wrong things here. Water off a duck's back. Sticks and stones etc etc.

Manchester University Labour Club said...

Not worried mate, no worries at all.

I was making a general attack on STWC rather than anyone in particular. Some of the placards on the Lebanon march were genuinely frightening.

The coalition of political moderates who care about students rather than their own ridiculous extremist political agendas has worked well and things have finally calmed down.

Oh and btw, it was always to keep the SWP out. We had muslim students on our slate.