Monday, April 30, 2007

Parbury: Heralding the New Republic and Lizzie Windsor Queen of Scots?

Parbury says he is agnostic about the Union, but cannot wait to see the back of the Scots.

Would it be the case that being not properly descended from James VI/I (right) Elizabeth R will have to pack our bags and go to Balmoral?

Taking all our parasitical family and their dull hangers on with her?

The Republic will be achieved before ere a bonny Salmond Leaps on their estate.

Terrific news.


Will Parbury said...

"cannot wait to see the back of the Scots."

This is not what I said Chris. Read the article.

My posiiton is they are more than welcome to stay or they can go but I don't see why the english should put up with them taking the piss.

Just because I called them subsidy junkies.

Chris Paul said...

Subsidy junkies is just code. We know.

Will Parbury said...

It's just one little rhetorical trun of phrase to liven it up a bit. It's not like i'm going on the Dale march. There are limits.

Chris Paul said...

Meanwhile get yourself along to the Justice For England march tomorrow. Dale is whining that the speaker (a Scot) has made them re-route it but ID insists they are not far righters. that'll be why the Freedom Association are included in the links.