Monday, June 25, 2007

Deputy Dawgs: The Morning After, Mixed Feelings

While Kerron Cross dubs himself the voice of the delectable left he could hardly be less chuffed at Harriet's win. Meanwhile a new voice for the unremittingly uncompromising left Owen Jones has entered the blogging fray and is content.

Dizzy calls the Labour Blogging reaction "flat" but sadly did not link to one blogger who predicted the result and the mechanism, had Harrie in his 1-2, and like Owen if not for identical reasons is content.

Here's my comment at Dizzy's:

I'm not only happy with the result but predicted it. Wifey voted Harman 1 and for no other. I had Harman and Cruddas 1 and 2.

Alan Johnson didn't even get a 5 or a 6 ...

Harriet's only serious error was not resigning over single parent benefit cut of £6 but she has a strong record on equality, has been sacked by Blair (!), has some quiet influence over Brown, and is more ahem embedded in the Labour Movement than all but Cruddas of the others ... and I include Johno in that.

He didn't exactly save the Post Office now did he? And his pronouncements on cutting the TU role in conference were hostile.

Blears has enough un-support in the party to be a Home Secretary (so she should be happy). Hain has reaped what he sowed as an eye brow raising maverick. Benn too quiet and a rubbish campaign.

Cruddas failed to mobilise the TU vote.

I'm satisfied with this result. The party is satisfied to have achieved this selection proces with no blood on the carpet and rocketing polls.


dizzy said...

But Chris, you didn't predict the result.

Chris Paul said...

Well, not in so many words. Have to leave a bit to the imagination. I predicted that whoever was top of Cruddas and Harman, probably Harman, would overtake the favourite Johnson when their oppo's transfers kicked in. And I specifically suggested that Mr GuF and his sock poodles were being taken to the cleaners by Johnson.

I overestimated Benn and in the full analysis underestimated Hain's appeal. Although I expected a low turnout from TUs etc I didn't expect it to be as low as it was.

Hamer Shawcross said...

That Labour Fightback is "Harry Perkins" of Reclaim Labour fame...or I'll eat my flat cap

Stephen Newton said...

Don't see how you can say Cruddas failed to mobilise the TU vote.

Take the TU vote away from the totals and...

...Cruddas goes from first to third after the first ballot...

...from third to fourth after the second...

...and would have lost to Hilary Benn in the third (14.94 to 12.88).

On first prefs Cruddas had 27.27% of TU, well ahead of Hain's 19.92% (which was itself well ahead of Benn's 14.79%).

susan press said...

Chris, still feeling OK about HH?She's already backtracking on Iraq.......( oh dear....)