Saturday, October 27, 2007

Beyond Muffingate: Headstart and Double Helping

We've covered the rather tedious Muffingate saga before of course when there was a falling out among A List Bloggers over who was in fact at the head of the queue for even the most quotidien of morsels. But we're shocked, amazed and amused that all of them - every one of them - have missed a story in which MPs are almost literally* throwing their weight about ahead of the real workers.

Over to Carol Prestidge, OHSWS Office Manager as she shamelessly drums up support for this travesty: "I thought I would take this opportunity" she begins before revealing that MPs will not only get an hour's start but will also be entitled to double helpings.

Ben Bradshaw MP (pictured below) is among those making his own arrangements to avoid running a gauntlet of heavy weight researchers, secretaries and caseworkers still sore over Muffingate.

* Not literally, this "is not a formal part" of the new priority programme for MPs.

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