Friday, February 01, 2008

Derek Conway: Must Go Now, Cannot Get Away With It

How can we as taxpayers and citizens stop the MP dubbed an embezzler - for obvious reasons - by Frank Field MP getting a maximum "resettlement" pay out when he gives up being an MP and being able to start taking a generous index-linked pension to boot.

The disgraced Old Bexley and Sidcup MP Derek Conway has had 20 years, in two stints, taking the piss in the Houses of Parliament. This moves him into pension heaven. Is there any way we can avoid this?

Ideally he and any co-conspirators: Wifey, Freddy, Henry, Henry's boyf; should GO TO JAIL.

If possible all pension bets should be off completely. As a chronic embezzler Conway MUST be penalized a tad more than ten day's suspension and withdrawal of the whip. More too than Jail.

The man is around 55. He could be trousering a huge pension from the British taxpayer he has cheated for decades. His family have ALREADY HAD THE PENSION out of the system. How about this for starters:

Immediately sack him as an MP;
Immediately demand a refund of the £80,000 ish paid to his sons, any money to their partners, and if overpaid or underworked the lion's share of the wife's salary etc too;
Take this off his salary and on costs retrospectively;
Taking him back at least a year;
So he's before the 20-year pension heaven.

That'd be something. Letting him continue as an MP is ridiculous. Letting him pick up maximum resettlement and pensions plus his wife's pension is also ridiculous. The pair of them have conspired to rip us all offer. The Conway Family must not prosper from this.

Let's make it Time and the Conways in an uncomfortable prison. Followed by disgrace and all bets off on pensions and benefits.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And so should have Miranda Grell but even after her appeal has gone belly-up and she's been deserted by everybody the Labour of Bollocks still declines to piss on her.