Manchester Super Casino: It's Official "Rien Ne Va Plus"
Breaking news from BBC Online. No great surprise there. The $300M question being what on earth are Brown and Blears going to come up with by way of alternative regeneration for East Manchester with two to three thousand direct and accessible jobs with the creators of the jobs PAYING, via section 106 and other routes, for the privilege. Lib Dem group leader "Simple" Simon Ashley who is hanging on by the skin of his teeth despite desperate debacle after desperate debacle will continue to pretend he was backing the thing.
He did not fulfil his promise to deliver the votes of the Lib Dem party in Westminster and couldn't even sway his old buddy Rev Cllr John "Fire and Brimstone" Leech MP.
Leech is perhaps best known outside Chorlton Park for his prowess in various modern languages. Conversational Exaggeration, strong reading and writing of Welsh, fluent Fibbery, and native Hoax.
Mr Ashley is among a number of Lib Dem councillors who have taken the Leech shilling in a high staff turnover milieu since 2005. No incompetent relatives, just incompetent cronies. Though looking at the town hall Register of Members Interests you wouldn't see it all that laid out in plain view.
regenerate east Manchester,
knock it all down, build loads of flats to rent at very high cost. build a few wine bars oh and a whopping Tescos!!
Those Blue Peter shoes again! OMG, the tabloids will be onto Bloopers again.
A nice attempt to deflect attention Chris, but this doesn't have anything to do with the LibDems. The Labour Government have left MCC up the creek without a paddle on this one... no-one to blame but Gordon Brown and the Labour Party.
I can see the campign now
Gordons Manchester promises
-No Metrolink
-No Supercasino
Just more taxes
Metrolink is happening anon. Soon were I am as it happens. Later as the funds roll in. Supercasino is another matter. If they do nixx it then they must provide compensation by the way of 3,000 similar jobs and relevant economic multipliers.
Iain: Cllr Simon Ashley threw his considrable weight behind the cassie - albeit after the usual dithering and doubting. He specifically promised he would deliver the parliamentary Lib Dems to support the legislation. They did not.
Clearly there were Labour rebels too.
But Leech was appalling. Foster was appalling - as he was in trying to resist the BBC move to Salford/Manchester. The Lib Dems have a lot to answer for and I don't see why you let them off their flim flam.
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