Monday, December 18, 2006

Green Day: Popping Up to the Capital of Culture

Pop Up Pages can be a pain. Sometimes they show where a publication is really coming from. You know online gambling and dating chat that spans the generations on The Church Times - we made that up - or ditto at The Manchester Evening News - where we didn't - just as they wage balanced journalisms against er, gambling, or er, dodgy dating chat.

This one however is excellent. And to launch the LoL Green Day we think it can be recycled in 12 months time. In fact it may already have been recycled from previous years. Isn't that the roaring elk from Tampere 02 or somewhere? No? Perhaps not. This is the roaring stag of Luxembourg. But if you click through the image above you'll find that it will barely need a tweak to be adopted by Liverpool 08.

Just run a search and replace and stick Liverpool in for Luxembourg and you'll find very little that sticks in the craw. OK, OK, there aren't that many Michelin starred restaurants, and while there is gravy of sorts this means EU Bureaucrats are only there to find out why the Liverpool Lib Dems down the years have so often failed to spend trillions of EU loot.

And also how historically the legendary total outputs for some of their EU-funded training schemes show they've helped up to five times the scouse working population into work in any one year. Which is going some.

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